The following is an A-Z list of authors with articles in Self & Society between 1973 and 2023. The volume and issue is shown in the form '23/02'. The names of authors have not been standardised so some authors have more than one entry, eg. with and without a firstname.The articles are PDFs that can be downloaded or viewed by clicking on the title.
Abram, Jan:
The Squiggle Foundation, 26/01
Abramovitz, A.:
Book Review, 03/12
Abramovitz, Arnold:
Alienation and Race: A Psychological Perspective, 03/06
Articles of Doubt and Articles of Faith, 02/07
The ‘Power-Knowledge’ of Newtonian Technology and its Psychosocial Antidote, 04/09
Adams, Michael Vannoy:
Jung and Racism, 25/01
Adams, Sue:
My Very Own Venus, 25/03
Poems of the Underground, 23/01
Adamson, Jan:
Touched by Caer, 19/01
Adeline, Elizabeth:
A Co-Operative Selection Process for a Peer Learning Community, 10/03
Peer Group Accreditation of Psychotherapists, 19/02
Afford, Peter:
2. The 6th Focusing International Conference, 23/02
Focusing, 20/02
Reflections on Being (Some Sort of) a ‘Focusing-Oriented’ Therapist, 33/02
Ahmed, Jamil:
Lifeworld disrupted: existential perspectives on schizophrenia, 47/01
Fires of Bel-The Celtic Midsummer, 13/03
Alayarian, Aida:
Counter-transference in working with refugees, 32/05
The Refugee Therapy Centre, 32/05
The speakers, 31/03
Albery, Nicholas:
An Interview with Janov, 13/04
Book Reviews, 14/03
Comments on Jill Robinson's 'In Praise of Leonard Orr's Rebirthing, 12/06
Dice Therapy, 12/03
From: How to Feel Reborn (1985), 20/02
How to Rate a Guru?, 15/05
Leonard Orr's Rebirthing, 12/05
Letter to the Editor, 19/04
Letters to the Editor, 13/01
Psychedelic ‘Therapy’, 27/06
Psychosynthesis and the Hearing of Voices, 14/01
Rebirthing—The Primal Context, 13/01
Reviews, 21/03
The New Leboyer Revolution?, 13/05
Alcock, John:
The Samadhi Tank, 8/08
Alexander, Mark:
Reviews, 23/06
Alexander, Roy:
Astrology—A new dimension in Therapy, 06/06
Alexander, V. V.:
Analysis, Growth Movements, Jung and Symbols, 06/06
Alfandary, R. L.:
Being an Oppressor, 13/04
Alford, M. B.:
Butterflies, 10/06
Alford, Marion:
Letter to the Editor, 10/05
Return, 01/10
Alford, Marion B:
Inheritance, 16/06
Alford, Marion B.:
‘The Last Man on Earth’, 01/06
Alpha and Omega, 9/01
Sister Silence, 11/03
To Shottery From Stratford-upon-Avon, 05/12
Written In The Cotswolds—A royal Progress, 10/02
Dealing with the Suicidal, 13/06
Letters, 27/05
Letters to the Editor, 8/03
Allen, Jane:
Disabled, 10/02
Normal Disabled, or Disabled Normal, 9/06
The Recreative Quality of Joy, 9/06
Allen, Robyn:
How do relational counsellors’ own personal political ideologies impact on their intersubjective relationships with clients?, 47/02
Altman, Jen:
Releasing the Tangles of Trauma through Body-energy Healing, 34/04
Altson, Catherine:
'A Glimpse of Love': The Therapist's Experience of Love in the Therapeutic Relationship, NL/05
Amanuensis, Carries:
Carrie's Odyssey, 24/03
Bringing Buddhist values into front line work with young offenders, 31/06
Ambrosi, Jean:
Essential Movement Therapy, 7/08
Anders-Richards, Donald:
‘Finny’—Portrait of a Self-Actualizing Teenager?, 04/11
Book Reviews, 7/07
Patience Rewarded: A Review, 04/08
Anders-Richards, Rev Donald:
Letters to the Editor, 7/11
Anderson, Catriona:
A Personal Experience of Regulation under the Health and Care Professions Council, and the Perils of Institutional Professionalization, 42/01-02
Anderson, Gary:
Electrocuted Psychology, 7/05
Anderson, Helen:
A History of the Adlerian Society (UK), 32/02
Anderson, Jill:
Book Reviews, 20/02
Delights and Difficulties of a Facilitator Styles Course, 19/04
Anderton, Bill:
Growth and the Symbols of Astrology, 06/06
Andrews, Bryan:
A P, 33/01
Andrews, Dean:
Book Review: Adam Greenfield, 'Radical Technologies', NL/03
Andrews, Shelagh:
Teenage Girls' Dream Group, 11/02
Angelo, Marie:
When the Gods were Intelligent, and Education was Enchanting…, 24/06
An Experience of Self-Help, 13/06
Reflections on a Learning Experience, 10/04
Love and Loss in Supervision, NL/04
Anthony, Kate:
Appreciating Cyberculture and the Virtual Self Within, 40/03
Antonas, Vassilis:
Death in the Life and Work of a Therapist, 30/03
Apter, Michael J.:
Empathy and Mastery, 11/01
Experiencing Motivation: Twelve Propositions from Reversal Theory, 9/05
Apter, Mike:
Reversal Theory and Humanistic Psychology, 9/05
Reversal Theory: A Critique of John Rowan's Critique, 9/05
Arathoon, Paul:
Letters to the Editor, 14/03
Letters to the Editor, 12/02
Arcana, Judith:
Our Mothers' Daughters, 21/03
Archard, Philip:
Psychological Trauma and Social Work in Late-Modernity: An Exploratory Discussion of Relationships in Transition, 38/03
Archibald, Mary:
Eigenwelt, 22/05
Arewa, Caroline:
Letters, 22/02
Liberation and Limitation: The Polarities of Being, 21/06
Capitalism versus the climate, 44/1
Armistead, Nigel:
How the Rich get Away with it, 45/1
Joy of being, 44/2
Take a hike: the trail as therapy, 44/2
Armitage, Roseanne:
Introduction, 23/02
Armstrong, Frankie:
Voice Workshops, 11/04
Armstrong, Franny:
The Age of Stupid (2009), 37/02
Arnold-Baker, Dr Claire:
Guest Editorial, 47/01
The Public–Private Paradox: An existential exploration of mothers in society, 47/01
Ashcroft, Anton:
Ageing and the pursuit of happiness: a personal case study, 45/2
Ashcroft, Caitlin:
The power of music in aged care: a review of Alive Inside, 45/2
Ashfield, John:
Water into Wine, 28/04
Asmi, Ma Veet:
Letters to the Editor, 8/06
Astor, Bronwen:
Combining Rebirthing with Analytical Psychotherapy, 20/02
Reviews, 22/03
Happiness and the capture of subjectivity, 44/4
Atkinson, Paul:
In the land of Austeria, 44/4
Lies, Damned Lies, and IAPT Statistics, 42/01-02
Paul’s Political Column, 50/1-2
The Free Psychotherapy Network, 42/01-02
Axon, Margaret:
S&S News/Good Journalism, 26/01
Aylwin, Charles:
Humanistic Psychology in a Consultative Role, 9/02
B'Hahn, Carmella:
Preparing for the BIG question: What happens when we die?, 36/02
Baben, Ninette:
Editorial, 16/01
Badaines, Joel:
Humanistic Psychology and the Social Services-Any Hope?, 06/11
Photodrama, 11/04
Supervision, 13/02
Baker, Peter:
Men and Porn, 23/04
Balazs, Tony:
Letters, 26/05
Balick, Aaron:
INTERVIEW: Psychologists on the Case of Social Networking, 48/01
Reviews, 30/01
Bamford, Geoff:
‘Truth Games’ by Geoff Bamford (2017): Excerpts, 45/3-4
Banarjea, Arati:
Letters to the Editor, 8/06
Banerjee, Arati:
Letter to the editor, 03/05
Banks, Sophy:
The Heart and Soul of Transition—Creating a Low Carbon Future with Psychological and Spiritual Awareness, 35/02
Banks, Steve:
Integral Leadership, 31/02
Rites of passage for men, 27/05
Bans, Shani:
The post card: from Socrates to Freud and beyond, 44/4
Bar-Yoseph, Talia Levine:
The speakers, 31/03
Barber, Paul:
Letter to the Editor, NL/06
Letter to the Editor by Paul Barber, NL/10
Our Brave New Covid World: An Abuse of Society’s Humanistic Soul through a Cult of Fear, NL/08
Phenomenological Review of Enforced Isolation during Global Hysteria – A Romanian Perspective: Part I, 48/01
Phenomenological Review of Enforced Isolation during Global Hysteria: A Romanian Perspective, Part 2, 48/02
Self Development within Experiential Groups—A Gestalt Perspective, 30/02
The Great Awakening: Political and Pharmaceutical Deceits Now Revealed, NL/09
The Zen of Humanistic Coaching, NL/10
Barber, Sinzi:
Letter to the Editor, NL/06
Barber, Sinziana:
Phenomenological Review of Enforced Isolation during Global Hysteria: A Romanian Perspective, Part 2, 48/02
The Great Awakening: Political and Pharmaceutical Deceits Now Revealed, NL/09
Barber, Sinzinia:
Our Brave New Covid World: An Abuse of Society’s Humanistic Soul through a Cult of Fear, NL/08
On John Rowan's ‘Patriarchy’, 43/1
Barclay, Jane:
‘I Can't Get no Satisfaction’, 34/05
‘Teaching? Me? Never.’ The Process of Becoming Continues…, 40/04
Book Review: Transferring Despair into Hope: Reflections on the Psychotherapeutic Process with Severely Neglected and Traumatised Children by Monica Lanyado, NL/01
Class Prejudice & Privilege, 30/04
Gambling—fun, glamorous, seedy, addictive, destructive?, 39/03
I, 35/06
Jealousy—The True Green-Eyed Monster, 33/01
Letters, 36/01
Letters to the Editors, 42/03-04
Poshland, 33/06
Reviews, 34/04
Sacrifice, 32/04
The Trauma of Boarding at School, 38/03
The regular COLUMN, 30/06
The regular column, 30/04
Unrecognized trauma, 45/1
What does black treacle have in common with riding a Harley-Davidson?, 40/02
Barker, Eileen:
Book Reviews, 19/01
Freedom to Surrender with Bhagwan, 15/05
Barnes, Caroline:
The man who did not wish to come to Earth: a case study, 45/1
Barnet, Andy:
What Does John do Now?, 01/05
What does John do Now?, 28/06
Barnett, Oana:
The silent escape: Finding meaning and freedom in the face of totalitarianism and oppression, 47/01
Barnshaw, Carol:
A Fairly Fairy Story, 03/11
Baron, Michaela:
Al Pesso Talking, 02/10
Interview with Bill Solomon, 02/12
Interview with Peter Blythe, 02/07
Baron, Misa:
Channel Clearing and Tuning, 12/01
Baron, Wilfred:
Book Reviews, 06/06
Barrett, David:
Exercises in the Water, 03/12
Barrett, Deirdre:
Using Hypnosis to Work with Dreams, 23/04
Barrett, Susie:
Confession of an Omission, 27/03
Barrow, Giles:
Eldership, 45/2
Barry, Peter:
The Sound of the Meaning, 01/06
Bartlett, Stephen:
Eschaton, 01/06
Genesis, 02/06
Basset, Frances Basset Thurstine:
Letters to the Editor, 48/02
Basset, Thurstine:
Reflections of a Survivor, 46/01
Bassil-Morozow, Helena:
Retro Review Classic, 40/03
Retro Review Classics, 41/02
Batchelor, Denise:
Meditation, 04/02
Batchelor, Stephen:
Book Reviews, 19/05
Bates, Brian:
R.D. Laing and the Experiential Psychology of Abortion, 22/02
Shamanism and Psychotherapy, 14/01
The Initiation of a Sorcerer, 12/05
The Shamanic Model of Illness and Healing applied to HIV and AIDS, 23/05
Werewolf, 13/06
Wyrd and not so Wyrd: Humanistic Psychology at Sussex, 14/06
Bateson, Karen:
A survey on age, 45/2
Student Pages, 46/01
Student pages, 45/3-4
Baxter, Pauline:
The Sexuality Workshop that Advocated Incest, 19/03
Before and after mindfulness, 43/1
Loopiness without end, 43/2
Twilight of the wolves: on terrorism, psychology and the Left, 43/1
Why a Zen monk of dubious repute persists in calling himself thus, 43/1
Bazzano, Manu:
A Note from the Book Review Editor, 39/04
Against Attachment Theory, NL/10
Avoid capture, 44/1
Back to the Future: From Behaviourism and Cognitive Psychology to Motivation and Emotion, 40/02
Book Reviews, 41/02
Dead Shrinks Society, 36/05
Grace and danger, 44/2
Guest Foreword, 41/03
House of cards: on Ken Wilber's neo-traditionalism, 44/2
Indoor man: notes on masculinity and neoliberalism, 44/3
Introduction to the symposium, 44/3
Making Love to Your Data: On Post-qualitative Research and Therapy, NL/06
Manu Without Portfolio, NL/07
Psychotherapy as experiment, 45/3-4
Reviews, 39/04
Sunrises and bloody sunsets, 45/3-4
THE MANU WITHOUT PORTFOLIO COLUMN, 2: Wisdom-while-u-wait, 49/02
The Buddha Delusion, 41/01
The Manu Without Portfolio Column, 50/1-2
The Manu without Portfolio Column, NL/08
The Poetry of the World: A Tribute to the Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, 41/03
The seven ages of a neocon therapist (after Ian Birchall), 43/3
Wash your plate: rejoinder, 44/2
Bear, Sun:
Interviewed by Vivian Milroy, 12/01
Beards, Trisha:
Book Reviews, 19/03
Bearer, Torch:
Earwig, 20/03
Beattie, Lilian:
A History of the Adlerian Society (UK), 32/02
Beaumont, Chris:
AHP(B) Chair's Page, 36/02
AHPB Chair's Page, 36/03
Becchetti, Diana:
Roberto Assagioli: The Spirit of Psychosynthesis, 05/01
What is Psychosynthesis?, 05/01
Becchetti-Whitmore, Diana:
Self-Expression: A Psychosynthesis Model, 7/04
Becker, Amely:
The Spiritual Field in Gestalt, 29/02
Beddington-Behrens, Serge:
The Many Faces of the Spiritual Activist, 42/01-02
Three Kinds of Madness, NL/02
Bedi, Ben:
Looking Back, 03/10
Beech, Caroline:
Eigenwelt, 22/05
Reviews, 21/06
Beichman, Jay:
Book Review: Krister Dylan Knapp, William James: Psychical Research and the Challenge of Modernity, NL/05
Pluralistic therapy and William James’s A Pluralistic Universe, NL/03
Retro Review Classics, 41/03
Thomas Szasz Memorial Seminar with Jeffrey Schaler, Morton Schatzman and Anthony Stadlen, Sunday 3 March 2013, Durrants Hotel, London, 40/04
Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin:
Humanistic Psychology: Progressive or Reactionary?, 05/04
Belassie, James:
Book Reviews, 40/01
Bell, Christine:
Creative Imagery, 29/01
Letters, 32/01
Personal Theory of Supervision, 29/02
The regular COLUMN, 32/03
Bell, Lorraine:
Letters to the editor, 03/08
Capitalism versus the climate, 44/1
Ben-Shahar, Asaf Rolef:
A tale of faith and heresy, 39/03
Butchers, Stage-Hypnosis and the Invention of Sex, 34/06
Case Study: The Courage to heal—In the body, 30/04
Connecting in the age of accountability, 34/04
In the land of no mirrors, 36/03
Reigniting the passion for life, 35/02
Resonance—the gift of connection, 36/01
The Pearl Catcher, 30/01
The Regular COLUMN, 37/02
Benjamin, Elliot:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
Are terrorists normal and sane? Perspectives from Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology, 47/02
EXTENDED REVIEW ESSAY: Healing and Re-imagining the United States in the Time of Trump, NL/06
Humanistic Dialogue between the US and the UK: Change the Rhetoric!, NL/05
Humanistic antidotes for a narcissistic social media addicted society, 45/3-4
Integral Psychology vs. Humanistic Psychology, 35/02
Merging of Humanistic Psychology and Progressive Politics, Part II, NL/03
The Empathy of United States President Joe Biden, the Soul of America, and Humanistic Psychology, 49/01
The Merging of Humanistic Psychology and Progressive Politics, NL/02
Bennett, J. W. H.:
Primary Activation, 14/02
Bennett, Juliet:
Alan Watts’ ‘dramatic model’ and the pursuit of peace, 43/4
Bennett, Val:
What Kind of Memories?, 22/06
Benor, Daniel:
Healing Works, 23/03
Bensimon, Marlene:
Reviews, 31/04
Beresford, Peter:
Psychopolitics and Mad Studies, 44/1
Berg, Astrid:
A tribute to Nelson Mandela, 41/03
Berghs, Maria:
Cash not care: the planned demolition of the UK welfare state, 45/3-4
Berke, Joe:
Martin Levy Interview with Joe Berke, 45/3-4
Berke, Joseph:
The Arbours Association, 01/08
Berman, Morris:
Is There Life beyond Paradigm?, 49/01
Overdetermined, 50/1-2
Poem: 'The Mind–Body Problem', 49/01
Poetry – by Morris Berman, NL/07
Reflections on Proust, NL/08
Berry, Mike:
Reviews, 35/05
Berry, Neil:
Robin Shohet interviews Neil Berry, headteacher of Brampton Manor, 32/07
Bertrand, Betty:
'A Glimpse of Love': The Therapist's Experience of Love in the Therapeutic Relationship, NL/05
Besmer, Beverley:
The Use of Symbols and Imaging Techniques in Counselling, 06/09
Besmer, Beverly:
Conceive the Inconceivable!, 7/02
Maps, Models and Meaning, 7/04
Biancardi, Jenny:
Letters, 22/06
Bielenky, Marina:
Letters, 31/04
Biko, Lucy:
Book Reviews, 10/05
Billington, Joe:
Poem, 06/07
Bilton, Douglas:
Setting up an Accreditation Scheme for Voluntary Registers, 39/04
Binder, Per-Einar:
Trauma clients’ continuing work on relationships with their self and others after trauma-specific group therapy, 46/02
Bindschedler, Anne Dominique:
Rebirthing, A non Cathartic Therapeutic Process, 06/07
Birch, Cathy:
At the Heart of Gestalt, 23/02
Birgit, Agnes:
Bodytherapy and Jungian Analysis, 15/04
Bishop, Beata:
Letters, 25/05
Bishop, Margaret:
Letters to the Editor, 7/02
Blacker, F.H.M.:
Behind Conventional Wisdom in Organisational Psychology, 04/07
Blagrove, Mark:
Introduction, 23/02
What You Cannot Do in a Lucid Dream, 23/03
Blanchard, Sheila:
Cord, 04/10
Duologue, 04/08
Gift, 04/07
Bleakley, Su:
Fires of Bel-The Celtic Midsummer, 13/03
Blomfield, Val:
Practitioner Development Through Self-direction: The South West London College Counselling Courses, 42/01-02
Blomfield, Valerie:
The Counsellor, 13/04
Blondel, Ezra:
Reviews, 21/04
Bloom, Len:
A psychotherapist in South Africa: Helping survivors to survive, 31/02
HIV-AIDS—A Psychologist and Family Responds to the Challenge of Death, 39/04
Bloom, William:
Practical mystics, energy workers and the transpersonal, 27/05
Bloomberg, Larry Isaac:
The Gestalt Process of Education, 02/11
Blythe, Sally Goddard:
Feeling with the Eyes: A Psychologist’s View of the Impact of Poor Visual Acuity on the Self, NL/09
The Body Learns Too: How the Brain–Body Relationship Helps to Lay Down Highways of the Mind, 48/02
Boadella, David:
Assisted Passage, 7/07
Energy and Character, 01/04
Humanistic Practice in Action, 26/04
Petruska Clarkson, 34/02
Self-Formation, 11/02
Steps to Transfiguration: Birth moments in Human Experience, 06/07
The Fall of the Light-Bearer, 15/05
The Origins and Development of Biosynthesis, 24/01
The Pornography Bandwagon, 01/09
The Use and Abuse of Power in Therapy, 21/04
Boakes, Janet:
Letters, 28/04
Re: UKCP Ethics and Complaints Procedures A Response from the UKCP, 28/03
Board, Martin Jelfs Chair for the AHPP:
Letters, 20/04
Boas, Sara:
VIA™ coaching; a path of transformation, 32/03
Boddy, Sarah:
A Successful Austrian Commune, 04/08
Body, Patrick:
Turning 25: ageing without the age, 45/2
Boll, Antonia:
2 Poems, 7/10
A Farewell, 7/12
A Woman is a Person too, 06/04
Cassandra, 04/09
Encounter with the Shadow, 7/08
In the Woods, 05/03
Boll, David:
The examination room, 03/02
Bond, Jean:
‘Where do you go to, my lovely?’: reflections on attempts to work with a traumatised child, 35/05
JOURNEY TO THE ‘CENTRE’: The history and philosophy of Atlow Mill Centre for Emotional Education, 35/05
Bond, Lesley:
Appreciative Inquiry in the Secondary School, 32/07
N, 32/07
Bond, Meg:
Little Deal to Big Deal, 13/01
Nursing Humans, 06/11
Booth, Kristian:
Exploring the role of music workshops and their use within a prison environment, 39/01
Booth, Mavis:
Trauma from medical intervention, 38/03
Booth, Sandra:
Reviews, 22/05
Born, Caroline:
Cycles of Change and Transition, 26/06
Life Dancing: Birthing the Body, 21/01
Transpersonal; Spiritual; Sacred, 21/05
Bortolotti, Maria Rosa Dominici:
From Martyrs, Christians, Witches and Freud‥ to Altered States of Consciousness in Occidental Religions, 17/01
The Dark, The Door, The Mirror, 15/06
Boston, Mary:
Child Psychotherapy or Just Play?, 27/01
Botha, Laura Cherry:
Voicework as Therapy, 20/01
Botterill, Chris:
Boundary Crossings vs Boundary Violations, 33/01
Bound, Harry:
Letters to the Editor, 15/02
Bowden, Mandy:
Letters, 25/03
Bowdler, Brian Morris:
Somewhere a New Community Idea, 02/10
Bowen, Maria Villas-Boas:
Evolving Aspects of Person-Centered Workshop, 06/02
Boyd, Gilly:
An Unfairy Story, 04/11
Boyesen, Mona Lisa:
Jacob Stattman talking, 02/07
Bradbrook, Ruth:
Oh the places you'll go! IDHP in 2006, 33/06
Bradley, Mark:
Reviews, 36/01
Bradley, Rex:
Reviews, 31/04
Brandon, David:
Meditation for People with Learning Difficulties, 17/02
Obituary, 06/12
Bratherton, Wendy:
A Living Experience, 24/03
Bray, Madge:
Children's Hours—A Special Listen, 12/06
A popular misconception, 43/1
Brazier, Caroline:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
Book Review: 'Uncovering Mystery in Everyday Life: Confessions of a Buddhist Psychotherapist' by R.J. Chisholm, 50/1-2
Book Reviews, 41/01
Creating Space: The Future of Humanistic Psychology, 40/03
Depressive Realism, 44/3
How Humanistic Psychology Has Changed My Life, NL/01
Review of 'Zen and Therapy: Heretical perspectives' by Manu Bazzano, 46/02
Walking in Sacred Space, 41/04
Brazier, David:
A Zen Response, 24/04
Drama beyond Self, 26/06
Eigenwelt, 22/05
Existence, Essence and Enlightenment, 28/05
Reviews, 27/01
Sex, Lies and Therapy, 21/05
The space between us Nomadic theory: the portable Rosi Braidotti, 43/1
Brewer, Madelyn:
The Challenge of a Course in Counselling Skills, 12/04
Bridges, John:
A Roman Phobia, 24/01
Brienne, Christine:
Reviews, 21/03
Brinton, Richard:
Book Review: 'A State of Fear' by Laura Dodsworth, NL/07
Ofsted Seeks Judgement-free Approach to ‘Stuck schools’ – but What about Its Own ‘Stuck’ Methods of Accountability?, NL/04
Britton, Jeffrey:
Primal Therapy—A Gay Viewpoint, 02/08
Brock, Yvonne:
How P are You, 01/04
Brooker, Andy:
Reflections on the first year of a critical psychotherapy supervision collective, 45/1
Brooks, Onel:
Forcing, Unforced Associations and Paradigms: A Commentary, 49/02
Methodolatry, Irony, Apricot Cocktails: Phenomenological Research as the Domestication of Phenomenology, 41/01
Remembering John Heaton (1925–2017), 45/3-4
Retro review – Nietzsche on learning and education, NL/02
Brooks, Stephen:
Ericksonian Hypnosis, 17/01
Broughton, Tim:
Letters, 25/03
Broughton, Vivian:
Constellations in an Individual Setting, 33/04
Love's Illusions, 38/03
Brown, C.A.:
Behind Conventional Wisdom in Organisational Psychology, 04/06
Brown, Ivan:
Letters to the Editor, 06/10
Student at sixty plus, 7/10
Brown, Janice:
The Earth School—Working with our Six Senses, 30/04
Brown, Juliana:
Book Reviews, 19/05
Letters, 25/05
No, They Don't!, 22/05
Primal Integration… Reflections on Practice, 15/02
The Birth Metaphor in Primal Integration, 39/04
Browne, Alison:
Letters, 25/01
Browne, Val:
Letters to the Editor, 12/01
Bryant-Jefferies, Richard:
Reviews, 30/01
Buchanan, June:
Letters to the Editor, 20/03
Buckingham, David:
Making Sense of the ‘Digital Generation’: Growing Up with Digital Media, 40/03
Buckland, Christian:
Conference Review: The 'Better Way' Conference, 50/1-2
Buckle, John:
AHP Page, 27/03
AHP page, 28/01
AHP pages, 28/03
AHP/AHPP Pages, 26/06
Bugental, James:
Unearthing the Moment, 27/03
Bull, Toby:
Excuses to kill, 44/2
Bull, Uwe:
Letters, 25/03
Burchell, Steve:
Ruminating upon ‘standing by’, 32/04
Sick of Safeguarding, NL/04
Burgess, Marolyn:
‘Looking Back to the Future’, 37/03
AHP/AHPP Pages, 23/01
Letters, 39/02
The AHP Page, 23/02
Burgoyne, Bernard:
Intact Island, 8/06
Burkitt, Brenda:
Ageing, 16/01
Burnard, Philip:
Letters to the Editor, 14/04
The Human Potential Movement, 12/02
Burns, Fiona:
The Potions Journey, 31/06
Burns, Richard:
Now, Two Aspects of You, 14/05
Second Death, 16/03
Song, 14/02
Burroughs, William S:
The Discipline of De, 17/02
Bury, Anne:
My journey from dying, to death to living, 36/02
Button, John:
Book Reviews, 14/02
Editorial, 25/06
One Man's Sexual Politics, 14/02
Reviews, 23/04
Safety in Numbers: Creating Safe Space in Groupwork, 25/02
Byron, Alan:
Cri de Coeur, 04/02
Letters, 21/02
Caddy, Eileen:
Male—Female Balance a key to Higher Consciousness, 7/04
Callea, Tamara:
Letters, 31/01
Calvi, Claudio:
Transcendental Meditation, 02/08
Came, Heather:
Embracing a Pākehā cronehood: storying self, society, and the common good, 45/2
Cameron, Sandra:
Book Reviews, 12/03
Campbell, Simon:
A Qualitative Study on the Rewards and Challenges of Being an Independent Practitioners Network Participant, 40/04
Canete, Maria:
Reflections on the first year of a critical psychotherapy supervision collective, 45/1
Cannon, Cal:
AHP/AHPP Conference Reports, 22/06
Conference Reports, 24/04
Letters, 25/03
Some Thoughts after the 2nd National Conference on the Dynamics of Accreditation, Cambridge, June 1992, 20/04
Carlisle, Jane:
Book Reviews, 15/03
Letter to the Editor, 15/03
Letters to the Editor, 14/03
Carlton, Eric:
Science, Pseudo-Science or Suprascience?, 16/03
Carpenter, Bruce:
Three Balinese Dreams, 23/04
Carpenter, Val:
The NCBA, 19/05
Carruthers, Barbara:
AHP/AHPP Conference Reports, 22/06
Carter, Juliet:
Book Reviews, 41/02
Carvalho, de:
Conference Reports, 43/1
Case, Kareza-Monica:
War and Humankind, 27/04
Casement, Ann:
The Statutory Registration of Psychotherapy, 28/01
Casey, Maude:
From Generation to Generation, 21/03
Castling, Ann:
Myself I Sing, 12/05
Castling, Anne:
I built a house, 11/04
Noli Me Tangere, 14/04
Noli me Tangere, 14/03
Cattanach, Ann:
Drama and Play Therapy With Young Children, 31/05
Cayne, Julia:
Disorientation and Wild Delusion, 41/03
Chair, Alexandra:
Letters, 31/06
Chalfont, Alexandra:
AHP Co-chairs' Page, 41/01
AHPB Co-chairs' Page, 40/02
AHPB Co-chairs' Pages, 38/02
Constellations under the Sign of Multi-generational Systemic Psychotraumatology, 33/04
David Jones: Obituary and memoires, 33/01
Editorial, 29/01
Fund for Change, 39/04
Introduction: valuable conversations, 32/03
Letters, 39/02
Now—an update from the editors, 28/05
Petruska Clarkson, 34/02
Review Mini-Symposium, 42/03-04
The Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring (OSC&M) 6, 32/03
Tribute to David Jones from the editors, 32/06
Chalmers, Lee:
How I became a coach, 32/03
Chamberlain, Tom:
Mirror Image, 7/12
On NVQs and Psychotherapy Within the Spectacle, 23/06
Chaplin, Jocelyn:
1. The Independent Therapists Network, 23/02
Initiation through the Dark Goddess, 26/06
John Rowan: A Personal Tribute, 42/03-04
PSYCHO RHYTHMS—The Dialectics of Everyday Life, 03/10
Remembering John Rowan, 1925–2018, 46/02
Review of 'Feminist Spirituality under Capitalism: Witches, Fairies, and Nomads' by Kathleen Skott-Myhre, 46/02
Reviews, 25/03
The Dialectical Rhythm Model of Reality: A useful tool in psychotherapy, 10/04
Chapman, Tom:
The Humanistic Tradition in Psychology and its Relevance for Education, 02/04
The Relationship between Children's Self-Concepts and the Expectations of Teachers, 03/08
Chappell, Claire:
Children and Spirituality, 31/05
Charles, Rachel:
Reviews, 24/05
Charlesworth, Brent:
The Self and Learning: The Development of the Self, 03/06
The Self and Learning: The Dialectics of Liberation (Continuation), 03/09
The Self and Learning: Toward a Phenomenological Method, 03/05
Charleton, Mary:
Book Review, 9/04
Book Reviews, 06/02
Grief and Behaviour Therapy, 06/09
Sexual Politics, 8/07
Sheila Young of the Women's Therapy Centre, 8/07
Subjective Impressions of Being a Staff Member on the South West London Course, 12/04
The Counselling Course at South West London College, 12/04
Chase, Christopher W.:
Square gnosis, beat eros: Alan Watts and the occultism of Aquarian religion, 43/4
Chew, Alex:
What's Wrong with Nurse Education?, 19/03
Chirimuuta, Rosalind:
Aids from Africa: Science or Science Fiction, 19/06
Mindfulness now, 43/1
Chisholm, R. J.:
Book Reviews, 42/01-02
Chisholm, R.J.:
Book Reviews, 41/04
Review Mini-Symposium, 42/03-04
Clair, Valerie Wright-St:
Healthy Pacific grandparents: a participatory action research project exploring ageing well among Pacific people in New Zealand, 45/2
Clark, Camilla:
Reviews, 21/06
Clark, Clark:
In at the start: early experiences of the emerging counselling profession in Britain in the 1970s, 43/3
Clark, Jean:
‘Change is Boundaries Dissolved’: Exploring the Process of Transition, 40/01
Book Review, 9/04
Celebration, 40/02
Change, 11/02
Climate Change, 40/02
Courage and Simplicity, 42/01-02
Simply Being, 42/01-02
Clark, Peter:
Co-Counselling, 13/06
Clark, Roxanne:
Mother-Touch, 21/03
Clark, Scott:
Letters, 25/05
Clarke, Isabel:
Mystery, Power and Danger, 45/1
Release the potential within spiritual crisis, 46/01
The Perils of Being Porous: A Psychological View of Spirit Possession and Non-dogmatic Ways of Helping, 41/04
Clarke, Rosemary:
Songs without Words, 32/01
Clarkson, Petrūska:
Some words about words, 28/04
UKCP ethics and complaints procedures: Fact or Fiction?, 28/01
Clarkson, Petrushka:
Gestalt Therapy—An Up-Date, 16/02
Clarkson, Petruska:
Accreditation Procedures in Psychotherapy, 23/06
Becoming Whole, 21/06
Chiron's Academy, 24/06
Ending Psychotherapy: Recurring Themes, 24/05
Letter to my Daughter, 23/04
Letters, 31/01
PROFILE: metanoia, 19/02
Reviews, 30/03
Sex for therapists and other human beings, 30/06
Stories, Myths and Legends, 24/06
The Meaning of Life Quest, 34/02
The Problematique of ‘Dual Relationships’, 25/03
Clarkson, Petrutska:
The Journal of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology, 17/04
Claxton, Guy:
Enlightenment, 17/02
Meditation: The Path and its Fruit, 17/02
Small is Educational, 19/01
The Lure of the Godless, 15/05
Clayton, Richard:
I want all Kiwis to Fly, 12/03
Clayton, Wendy:
Twinship and Consciousness: A Psychotherapeutic Journey, NL/08
Clements, Ron:
Letters to the Editor, 06/01
TA at work, 06/08
Clevely, Sarah:
Reminiscence, 16/01
Clifford, Senan:
Environmental Activism: In Defence of 'Criminal Damage', 49/01
Festival Review: Celebrating Men: 12–15 August 2021, NL/08
Seeing Patriarchy from the Inside: A Commentary on Miki Kashtan (2020), NL/06
Clothier, Phil:
School and Children's Values Assessment, 32/07
Jacob Stattman talking, 02/08
Clough, Roy:
Reviews, 21/05
Cobby, Judith:
Letters, 38/01
Coghill, Anne:
‘Roots’, 03/04
A Journey, 25/03
Depression, 16/06
Feedback, 04/01
Personality Growth and Depression, 06/05
Personality Growth and Survival, 06/04
Poem, 04/06
Radical Processes in a Hospital Setting, 05/07
The Springs of Violence, 11/03
Cohen, Kenneth S.:
‘You can tell a yogi by his laugh’: reminiscences of Alan Watts’ last summer, 43/4
Cohen, Martin:
Martin’s Philosophical Notes, 50/1-2
Philosophical Notes, NL/08
Science and Editorial Procedures Are Stifling Dissenting Voices, 49/02
The Politics of Food Science, 49/02
Cohn, Claire:
Tuning in to the Disabled, 8/07
Cohn, Claire Risa:
Book Reviews, 8/03
Coleman, Eva:
Letters, 22/01
Coles, Merivan:
Book Reviews, 04/01
College, Antioch:
Master of Arts Degree, 04/09
Collett, John:
Becoming more Conscious, 06/10
Collings, Sarah:
Letters, 31/01
Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy in the 21st. Century, 32/02
Working with Cultural Difference: Implications for Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy, 29/03
Collingwood, Andrew:
Direct Relations, 14/01
Essence and Personality, 12/05
Collingwood, Nigel:
Ecstasy and Infancy, 12/03
Ecstasy and Politics, 12/02
Letters to the Editor, 19/03
People and Politics, 19/05
‘I dare not lean to my conceit’: Growth in the understanding of contemplative experience in The Cloud of Unknowing, 44/4
Collins, Louise D.:
Occupational Therapy Using Creative Therapies, 11/04
Collins, Mavis:
Letters, 25/06
Collins, Rita:
Risk in the People Business and the Bathroom Episode, 12/06
Collins, Sarah:
AHPP Page, 31/01
Letters, 31/02
Collinson, Laurence:
Do what your parents don't tell you—And make sure you get it right!, 05/10
How does T. A. deal with feelings, 05/10
Letter to the editor, 04/08
Collis, Elizabeth:
AHPP Conference: Paths of Awareness, 20/03
Collis, Whiz:
AHP/AHPP Pages, 24/04
AHPP Page, 22/04
AHPP/AHP Pages, 22/06
David Jones: Obituary and memoires, 33/01
Letters, 22/06
The AHP/AHPP Pages, 24/03
The AHPP Page, 23/02
There But for the Grace…, 28/01
Columbus, Peter J.:
, 43/4
Alan Watts: a bibliographic resource, 43/4
Guest Editor’s Introduction: Alan Watts, again, 45/3-4
Jung Watts: notes on C.G. Jung’s formative influence on Alan Watts, 45/3-4
Psychotherapy East and West: a retrospective review, part II, 45/3-4
Special Theme Symposium: Alan Watts, 43/4
Comely, Louise:
Anti-Lesbianism in the British Psychological Society, 21/01
Conant, Michael B.:
Bioenergetics and the Spirits of Experimentation, 02/04
Condit, David L.:
The Laboratory and The Flower: Cultural Assumptions in Interracial Doctor/Patient Relationships, 9/01
Conn, Eileen:
Letters, 23/02
Connors, Michael:
The Nature-based Transformation Retreat, 41/01
Considine, Mike:
Letters, 21/05
Conway, A.V.:
Letters to the Editor, 12/03
Conway, Cresswell:
Book Reviews, 10/06
Conway, Jane:
Book Reviews, 16/02
Conway, Joan:
Book Beviews, 16/04
Book Reviews, 13/03
Conway, Mary:
Book Reviews, 7/10
Cook, Jenny:
Oh the places you'll go! IDHP in 2006, 33/06
Cooke, Lindsay:
Letters, 25/03
Cooper, Angela:
Letters, 25/02
Cooper, Cary L.:
Sensitivity Training in Japan, 01/03
Cooper, Cassie:
Book Reviews, 19/04
Cooper, Graham F.:
The Counselling Approach, 06/09
Cooper, Howard:
Aspects of the Jewish Unconscious, 15/01
Cooper, Janine:
Reviews, 26/06
Cooper, Mick:
Remembering John Rowan, 1925–2018, 46/02
Wants: A Core Humanistic Construct, 42/03-04
Cooper, Terry:
The Story of Spectrum, 41/03
Cooter, Alex:
Poems, 06/04
Copper, Phil:
Surrender to the Universe—Heal, 20/04
Corbett, Gemma:
Reviews, 30/05
Corke, Penny:
Book Reviews, 20/03
Cotter, Jim:
After the Group: A Dialogue on the A1, 01/04
Cotton, Tom:
Book Review Essay, 40/04
Coulshed, Veronica:
Network Therapies, 14/02
Coulson, Alan:
Carl Rogers is Dead, 15/04
Coulson, Christopher:
A Personal Perspective on the Origin of the AHPP Working Party on Core Beliefs, 26/03
AHPP Page, 26/03
Letters, 23/06
Reviews, 26/05
Coulson, Christopher J:
Letters, 22/06
Coulson, Christopher J.:
Letters, 31/05
Reviews, 26/01
Coulson, William:
The La Jolla Program, 7/11
Counselling, Mary Fee editor:
Letters to the Editor, 14/06
Counsellor, David Jones:
Letters, 32/07
Counsellor, Geoff:
Letters to the Editor, 13/02
Counsellor, Steve King:
Letters, 33/05
Courtenay, Anthea:
Helping Parents to help Children Grow, 15/03
Cousins, Joe:
Timelessness, 15/05
Cousins, Trevor:
Reviews, 39/02
Cowie, Helen:
Inquiring Teachers?, 06/05
Ways of Seeing or Perception and the Teaching of English, 04/03
Cox, Ana:
Equality and Power in the Supervisory Relationship: Delicate Symmetry, NL/04
Cox, Miranda:
Psychotherapy and Ecology, 27/03
Cracknell, Elizabeth:
Psychodrama or Psychotechniques?, 8/09
Craig, Yvonne:
A Santuary for Women, 7/01
Book Beviews, 16/04
Book Review, 9/06
Book Reviews, 12/01
Keeping 'Em Quiet, 20/03
Letter to the Editor, 8/09
Letters to the Editor, 7/10
Letters to the editor, 04/06
Potential for the People, 7/07
Race and Identity, 19/02
Reviews, 22/03
Cremona, Rita:
Letters, 34/01
Cresswell, Mary:
Book Review, 7/05
Book Reviews, 7/08
Cresswell, Walter:
Book Reviews, 16/06
Crippledini, James:
Book Beviews, 16/04
Book Review, 9/06
Book Reviews, 11/06
Jenny James, 05/06
Taboo on Tenderness, 04/05
The divided female, 43/2
Crouch, Anthony:
Registration of Psychotherapists, 19/01
The Competent Counsellor, 20/03
What is Health Psychology?, 15/03
Crowfoot, Mark:
Gollum's Concrete Overcoat, 35/05
Cullen, Patrick:
Baghwan—Cosmic Truth a Woolly Platitudes?, 7/12
Cumming, Robert:
Energy Stream, 21/06
Cunis, Sally:
Reviews, 23/04
Cunningham, Derek:
Book Reviews, 40/03
Curtis, Di:
A New Year Celebration, 8/04
Cyr, Kenneth A.:
Reactions to a Small Death, 14/02
D'Arbeloff, Natalia:
Rehearsals for Peace or: Peace Games, 11/05
Dada, Mehboob:
Reflections on the first year of a critical psychotherapy supervision collective, 45/1
Daintree, Frederica Jean:
Growing Pains, 05/08
Dalal, Farhad:
The Racism of Jung, 25/01
Dale, Alan:
God and the Group, 02/07
Dale, Carole:
Discovering Focusing, 33/02
Dale, Dani:
Feeling like a Refugee, 27/03
Damm, John Van:
Community Dream Sharing in Sausalito, California, 11/02
Daniel, John:
Book Reviews, 15/06
Daniell, Dorothy:
Loss and Recovery, 32/05
Dann, John:
The Person as Product in Process: An art Educational Perspective, 10/04
Dargert, Guy:
An Encounter with the Laws of Creativity, 15/06
Animistic Psychotherapy, 32/02
Conversations with Cars, 22/03
Daimonic Illness, 33/01
Divine Madness, 26/02
Eclectic Mishmash, 31/01
Going Down, 23/05
Letters, 31/03
Psychotherapy and Soul, 30/04
Reviews, 21/05
The Act of Dreaming, 28/02
Where Is the Psyche?, 26/05
Darget, Guy:
Letters, 22/06
Dark, Manning:
The Trick of Love, 17/04
Das, Shekhar:
Letters, 26/05
Letters, 20/04
Daviddson, Daniel:
Book Reviews, 40/04
Davidson, Larry:
Dare Psychologists Become Change Agents?, 41/02
Philosophical Foundations of Humanistic Psychology, 40/02
Revisiting Sullivan's Self-System: Implications for the Development of Self-Esteem in Individuals with Psychotic Disorders, 41/03
Davidson, Laurie:
Letters to the Editor, 7/05
Davidson, Leah:
Can't Touch My Soul: A Guide for Lesbian Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, 33/03
On Sue Gerhardt's ‘Hard Times’, 43/1
Davies, Catherine:
ARC, an OASIS: Providing a Humanistic Counselling Service in a Devon NHS Medical Practice, 42/01-02
Davies, Dominic:
Reviews, 31/05
Self AND Society—can we enjoy both?, 33/03
Davies, James:
An Interview with Dr James Davies, author of Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good, 41/01
Davies, Jill:
Letters, 25/03
Davies, Rachel Freeth and James:
Humanizing Psychiatry, 46/01
Davis, Helen:
Self-Formation, 11/02
Davis, Margaret:
Reviews, 22/01
Davis, Nick:
Let's Tell the Truth, 22/02
Dawson, Jenny:
Retro Review Classics, 41/03
Day, Dinah:
The Open Path of Meditation, 03/10
De'Ath, Erica:
Book Reviews, 9/01
De'Ath, Erica:
Book Reviews, 06/12
Dekkers, Ad:
Anthroposophy as an enrichment of psychotherapy, 46/01
Dekkers, Henriette:
Anthroposophy as an enrichment of psychotherapy, 46/01
Dekkers-Appel, Henriette:
Addressing materialism and illusionism in anthroposophic psychotherapy, 45/1
Delderfield, Dr Russell:
When the researcher is a ‘wounded storyteller’: exploring emotional labour and personal impact in research, 46/02
Dell, Jacqueline:
A Mythological Reflection on Natural Disasters, 33/05
Imagining James Hillman, 29/02
Dell, Judith:
AHPP at UKSCP: Impressions of the UKSCP Annual Conference, 19/03
Denford, John:
Going away, 32/05
Letters to the Editor, 13/06
Some Reflections Upon a Human Condition, 8/07
Dennett, Ann:
Letters to the editor, 04/05
Reparenting and the Trident Homes, 20/02
Derrer, Katie:
Children Reflect, 25/05
Desmond, John:
Letters to the editor, 05/03
Deurzen-Smith, Emmy Van:
Councelling Philosophy, 13/05
Deurzen-Smith, Emmy van:
Rivalry and Cooperation: Psychotherapy, Counselling Psychology and Counselling, 24/05
Why the Existential Approach Might be Enough after All, 16/02
Devon, Tilla:
Letters to the Editor, 17/03
Devonshire, Charles:
Book Review, 9/04
Dewes, Ofa:
Healthy Pacific grandparents: a participatory action research project exploring ageing well among Pacific people in New Zealand, 45/2
Dhir, Bharti:
To Force One's Hand, 31/05
Dickens, Elizabeth:
Self Deliverance and Self Determination, 16/01
Dickens, Joy:
Letters, 24/02
My Son Told Me He Was Gay, 22/05
Dickson, Anne:
AHP Notes, 7/02
Assertiveness and Sexuality, 8/07
Breaking Out, 04/06
Dillon, Laura:
Talks to the Editor, 04/10
Scandalous feminism Women in dark times, 43/1
Doll, Norbert:
Letters to the editor, 01/08
Dolley, Tania:
What is an ‘Ecological Self’?, 27/03
Dominici, Maria Rosa:
“Who's Afraid of Father Christmas?”, 15/06
Dominici, Mariarosa:
Analytical Autogenic Training, 14/03
Donaghy, Tony:
Elusive Possession, 42/03-04
Donington, Laura:
David Jones: Obituary and memoires, 33/01
Reviews, 24/03
The Borderline Personality, 21/01
The Squiggle Foundation, 21/01
Donnars, Jacques:
Can One prepare for Death?, 7/10
Doris, George:
Korzybski and General Semantics, 11/03
Doron, G.:
Psychotherapy and Self-Determination on the Humanistic Study of Psychotherapy, 05/03
Doron, Giora:
Teaching Dynamic Psychotherapy, 05/11
Dougan, Tony:
What Happens When the Train Arrives at the Station? A personal look at therapy training, 26/04
Douglas, Bruce Laurie:
In Defence of Encounter Groups, 9/04
Douglas, Fitz:
Reviews, 27/03
Dowds, Barbara:
Is life a bitch? The need to contextualize depression and realism, 44/2
Dowek, Nancy Hakim:
The existential journey of the ‘bi-rooted’ migrant, 47/01
Dowen, Lorraine:
Home Education, 12/06
Letters to the Editor, 12/04
Dowen, Lorraine Kushner:
Restraint—Physical and Chemical in the NHS, 17/03
Dowling, Catherine:
A Review of the 20, 41/01
Tributes to Vivienne Silver Leigh:, 35/01
Drexel, Carole:
Looking-in, seeing out, 8/06
Dror, Miriam:
Human development by nature's design- a heroic journey for all times, 27/05
Dryden, Jan:
My experience in living TA, 05/10
Dryden, Windy:
A Rose by Any Other Name: A Personal View on the Differences among Professional Titles, 24/05
Humanistic Psychology: Possible Ways Forward, 40/01
The Gospel According to St. John, 22/05
Dubose, Todd:
INTERVIEW-DIALOGUE: Why Black Lives Matter: Power, Privilege and Patriarchy?, NL/06
Duckett, Stéphane:
The Pursuit of Happiness, 34/04
Duckett, Stephane:
Darkness Visible revisited, 36/05
Duffel, Nick:
Sex, Power and Spirit—jottings from a Humanistic notebook, 29/03
Shelf Life, 31/04
On Sue Gerhardt's ‘Hard Times’, 43/1
Duffell, Duffell:
Odd bedfellows: psychotherapy, history and politics in Britain, 43/3
Duffell, Nick:
‘Searching for the Right Spoon or Finding Paradise in Reality’, 34/01
Boarding School Survivors, 23/03
Book Review: 'Posh Boys' by Robert Verkaik, NL/03
Book Review: Richard Beard’s Sad Little Men, NL/08
Book Reviews, 42/03-04
Gender Difference and Boarding School, 28/03
Grief, love, and joy, 44/4
Letters, 31/06
Letters to the Editors, 40/03
O, 33/01
Professional, personal and private—the challenge of working creatively with couples, 27/04
Reviews, 31/01
Searching for menswork that works: a report on an experiment in therapeutic groups for men, 44/3
Shelf Life, 37/01
The Boarding School Experience, 19/03
The Language of Love, 32/04
The Poet Robert Bly (1926–2021) Has Died, NL/08
Through murky climate-change clouds…, NL/01
‘How Humanistic Psychology Has Changed My Life’ – I, NL/02
Duncan, Roger:
Book review – Creative Place-based Environmental Education: Children and Schools as Ecopreneurs for Change, NL/02
Soul encounter at the Edge of World: Ecopsychology, Adolescents and Education, 41/01
Dunlop, Sandy:
Synectics: Creative Problem Solving, 9/02
Dusseau, Anna:
Confessions of a Covidiot, NL/07
Dvinskaya, Julia:
Understanding anxiety and working with anxiety in biographical counselling, 45/1
Eales, Michael:
A C, 33/01
Eales, Mike:
Letters, 25/03
Self and Peer Assessment and Accreditation, 19/04
The politics of empowerment: An IDHP perspective, 29/02
Earl, Hank:
‘It’s a Wonderful life’: a portrait of a man in crisis, 44/3
Introduction to the symposium, 44/3
The Establishment on the couch: a psychological exploration of class wounding – in the counselling room and society, 44/4
Tweeting while Rome burns, 45/1
Early, Gene:
Simply Change: It is Neuro-Linguistic Programming, 10/04
Letters, 25/03
Eaves, June:
Letter to the Editor, 11/03
Eccles, Angela:
My legacy, 35/05
Eden, Sharon:
Another View of that AGM, 27/03
Editor, Manu Bazzano Book Reviews:
Book Reviews, 41/03
Edmondson, Em:
Energy Stream, 21/06
Psychosexual Integration, 05/11
Edwards, Beverley:
Cloudwater: Taoist Gestalt Practice, 7/05
Letters to the editor, 03/10
Edwards, Blake Griffin:
A Person-Centered Critique of CETA and Other Research- / Evidence-based Psychotherapies, NL/06
Poem: 'Gloaming', 48/02
Sanctification, 45/3-4
Wizardry: a recognition of meaning-infused, person-centered psychotherapy, 46/02
Edwards, Ken:
Circulation of the Light, 03/10
Shell, 03/07
Edwards, Linda A.:
Being Exceptionally Helped, 30/03
Edwards, O. Mahala:
Some Observations of Self, 04/04
Edwards, Ray:
Towards N-LP with A Human Face, 12/02
Eedy, Peter:
Towards a Breast Fed Society, 03/10
Efford, P.:
Liquid of Love, 13/05
Efford, Pat:
Book Reviews, 13/05
May-Day—Dipping Day, 13/03
Egdom, Richard van:
On the Possibilities of Integration and Bio-Energetic Therapy, 03/07
Eichel, Edward:
Sex In The Age Of Relating, 05/11
Eichel, Joanne:
Psychosexual Integration, 05/11
Eiden, Bernd:
The Chiron Centre for Holistic Psychotherapy, 21/03
The Use of Touch in Psychotherapy, 26/02
Einarsson, Pallie:
Reviews, 31/01
Ekins, Paul:
Politics for Peace, 11/05
Eldrid, John:
Depression, 17/04
Eleftheriadou, Zack:
Reviews, 25/01
Elkin, Ed:
Word Problems, 05/12
Elkins, David N.:
Old Saybrook I and II, 27/06
Elliott, Charles:
Carl Rogers Encounters R.D. Laing, 06/10
Elliott, Michele:
Child Sexual Abuse by Women, 21/03
Ellis, Peter:
A Brief Sojourn among the Children of the Breath, 20/04
How Continuum-conscious is your Therapy (or Therapist)?, 24/06
Ellis, Victor:
The Outsiders Club, 13/06
Ellison, Donald:
Following in the Hero's Footsteps, 7/08
Treating Levitation with Levity but Gravitation with Gravity, 7/12
Emerson, William:
Life, Birth, and Rebirth: The Hazy Mirrors, 06/07
Emerson, William H:
Psychotherapy with Infants and Children, 16/03
Emerson, William R.:
Book Reviews, 13/01
Family Sexuality, 12/06
When Therapists Fail Their Clients, 26/01
Emmerson, Alan:
An Open Air Community, 02/01
Encke, Jochen:
Letters, 28/01
The Inner Father, 16/03
Wild Child, 34/04
Encke, Ulrike:
How to Use a Horoscope Reading, 21/06
Enright, John:
The Velvet Steamroller, 06/10
Epps, Philipe R.S.:
Letters to the editor, 02/06
Eros, Sandra:
Book Reviews, 19/03
Eustace, Michael:
Supervision: An Opportunity to Recover from Toxic Shame, NL/04
Evans, Colin:
Humanistic Psychology, Higher Education, and Heart, 14/06
Evans, David:
Hall of Mirrors, 22/02
Evans, Joan:
Psychospiritual Psychology and Psychotherapy, 24/04
Evison, Rose:
An Introduction to Co-Counselling, 8/04
Editorial, 8/04
Failla, Subhaga Gaetano:
Grace and danger, 44/2
Fairbanks, Tash:
Reviews, 23/04
Falloon, Val:
Letters, 21/04
Faraday, Ann:
Towards a No-Self Psychology, 22/04
Fares-O’Malley, Patricia:
Covid-19 and the Awakening of Humanity: A Super-conscious View, 49/02
Farhi, Nina:
Letters, 21/04
Farmer, Rod:
“Human Rights and Self-Actualisation Theory”, 10/02
“Misinterpretations and Misconceptions of Maslow's Theory”, 12/02
Journal Writing, 11/04
Farrelly, Frank:
Letter to the editor, 03/05
Farthing, Stephen:
The Seven Plateaux Recovery Programme, 39/03
Farthing, Steven:
Screen Age Man and our Terror of Silence: A Personal Reflection, 40/03
In Search of the AHP, 06/06
Fausset, Ursula:
A Letter from Ursula, 13/04
Encounter in a Country College of Further Education, 01/07
Mind Clearing, 16/02
The Gestalt Process of Education, 02/11
The Roots and History of Humanistic Psychology in the UK: An Autobiographical Perspective, 41/04
Therapist-Centred Psycho-Therapy, 01/08
What is Forgiveness?, 24/02
Fawson, Richard:
Do You Agree?, 06/02
Fedeli, Giancarlo:
Sex-Role Socialization and Personal Growth, 11/01
Some Insights into My Sex-Role Socialisation, 10/05
Fee, Clare:
Reviews, 33/04
Fee, Mary:
1. The Independent Therapists Network, 23/02
An Open Letter, 14/05
Book Reviews, 14/04
Feinberg, Beverly:
A Kingdom, 04/05
Going After—Coming To, 05/12
Have Here, 04/03
Something New, 10/04
Feldberg, Tom:
Quaesitor—How Humanistic Therapy Got Going in Britain, 24/04
Counselling Psychology in the UK: a critical-humanistic perspective, 44/1
Feltham, Colin:
A depressive realist response to Caroline Brazier, Ernesto Spinelli and John Rowan, 44/3
Depressive realism: what it is and why it matters to Humanistic Psychology, 44/2
Encountering John Rowan, 42/03-04
Four Psychologies: Humanistic, Existential, Critical, and Zapffean, 41/01
Letter to the Editor, 9/04
Reviews, 39/04
The Past and Future of Humanistic Psychology, 40/01
The soul of the marionette: a short enquiry into human freedom, 44/2
Felton, Ronnie:
A Drumming a Day keeps the Doctor away, 04/05
Fenton, Ian:
A Therapeutic Keystone. The Dynamics and Structure of The Jungian Model of the Psyche, 7/04
Ferguson, Carol:
Letters, 25/03
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence:
Litany (for Alan Watts), 43/4
Ferrucci, Piero:
Book Reviews, 12/02
Tigers of Wrath, 10/06
What is Psychosynthesis?, 05/01
Field, Andrew:
Gender in psychotherapy: controversies, impacts and healing, 34/01
Figlio, Karl:
For John, 44/1
Finar, Ruth:
The Interconnectedness of Everything, 27/03
Finebaum-Rathor, Skeena:
A Love Letter from the Future, NL/04
Finer, Ruth:
AHP Conference Reports, 21/06
AHP Page, 25/06
AHP/AHPP Pages, 25/04
Book Reviews, 19/02
Reviews, 25/05
Finlay, Linda:
Becoming a pilgrim: the lived experience of men becoming therapists following a former career, 44/3
When Therapists Fail Their Clients, 26/01
Fisher, Gillian:
A Disadvantaged Mind, 03/10
The Love-Scarcity, 05/12
Fisher, Maggie:
Ritual and Ceremony in Therapy, 37/03
Fisher, Michael C.:
Where goes a ‘Neolithic conservative’?, 44/4
Fitter, Mike:
The regular COLUMN, 33/04
the regular COLUMN, 34/02
Fitzimmon, Judy:
A.H.P. Autumn Programme 1986, 14/05
Fleisch, Kevin:
Group Growth?, 7/09
Letters to the Editor, 7/09
Fleming, Peter:
Pellin London-Bristol Diploma Course, 7/05
Fletcher, Hélène:
Letters, 25/03
Fletcher, Karyn:
The Centre for Transpersonal Psychology, 26/05
Flint, Rose:
Bringing in Green, 41/01
Flitton, Shirley:
Thoughts for the New Age, 21/01
Fontaine, Jean La:
The Controversy over Satanic Ritual Abuse, 25/04
Fontana, David:
A Definition of ‘Transpersonal’, 24/04
Recent Transpersonal Texts, 24/04
Reversal Theory, the Paratelic State, and Zen, 9/05
Foran, Jennifer:
Supervising the Therapist who Works with Adolescent Clients, NL/04
Forder, Barry:
Letter to the Editor, 19/06
Forest, Jeffrey:
Jedmar Company, 04/02
Forest, Marsha:
Fifteen Women, 02/10
Fifteen women, 02/09
Jedmar Company, 04/02
Forrester, Andrew:
Reviews, 34/05
Forster, Sally:
AHP on the World Wide Web, 27/03
Foster, Joan:
KEY VERBATIM EXCERPTS FROM: Mental Health's Market Experiment: Commissioning Psychological Therapies through Any Qualified Provider, 42/01-02
Fox, Hayward M.:
A Call for a New Vision of Therapy, 42/01-02
A way of knowing in search of our true identity, 45/1
Fox, Steven J:
Centering and the Rolf Process, 8/08
Foxcroft, Rob:
Touching the Source, 33/02
Foxcroft, Robert:
Book Beviews, 16/04
Foxley, Lisa:
Hysterectomy, 25/05
Frances, Karen:
Poetry by Karen Frances, NL/09
Francis, Keir:
Just before, 39/04
Twilight—Castelammarre Del Golfo, Sicily, 42/03-04
Writing in the Sand, 39/04
Francis, Madeleine:
Book Reviews, 01/02
Entrance not for Everyone, 01/02
Letters to the editor, 02/06
Psychomotor, 01/07
Francis, Madeleine Beatrice:
Letters to the editor, 02/11
Francis, Robert:
Letters to the editor, 05/09
Francis, Ty:
The Challenges of Organisational Constellations, 33/04
Frank, Denise M.:
Exploring the Paradox of Terror Management Theory (TMT) in Individuals with Schizophrenia: A Theoretical Perspective, NL/08
Going in through the out door: On the topic of Bateson’s double bind theory, 47/02
My Patient and the Mouse, 42/03-04
Revisiting Sullivan's Self-System: Implications for the Development of Self-Esteem in Individuals with Psychotic Disorders, 41/03
Frankland, Alan:
The Self-Awareness Movement—A Paper Tiger, 14/04
Franklin, Ellen F.:
Jung Watts: notes on C.G. Jung’s formative influence on Alan Watts, 45/3-4
Fraser, Sarah:
Manager and Supervisor: Being an Adult within an Organisation, NL/04
Freebourne, Wendy:
Book Review, 12/06
Book Reviews, 19/03
Holistic Growth, 12/01
Freeland, Dennis:
Letters, 15/01
Letters to the Editor, 14/05
Freeman, Bobby:
Letters to the Editor, 05/11
Freeman, Dorothy R.:
Letters to the Editor, 19/05
Freeth, Rachel:
Letter to the Editor, 50/1-2
Remembering Jean Clark, 1926–2018, NL/01
The Mythical Story of Our Planet and the Role of Therapy, NL/09
Freundlich, David:
A Historical Perspective of Primal Therapy, 05/06
The Fear of Living, 9/01
Friedman, Harris:
The Cultural Rift Dividing Humanistic and Positive Psychology: The Future Possibilities of Reconciliation, 40/02
Friedman, Joe:
Resources, 9/03
Friedman, Joseph:
Dream Groups, 9/03
Frizell, Caroline:
Discovering the Language of the Ecological Body, 41/04
Frude, Neil:
Reviews, 24/04
Fuchs, Ben:
Using Appreciative Inquiry with Journalists, 33/06
Fuchs, Bennet:
Revenge and the Group Facilitator, 23/01
Furlaud, Max:
The Workings of Wonder, 12/06
Furnier, Judith:
AHP AGM 2011, 39/02
Gad, Gabrielle:
My Voice, 20/01
Gale, Derek:
Only Good People Get Depressed, 19/04
Gale, Elsien:
Reparenting and the Trident Homes, 20/02
Galgut, Cordelia:
Life after primary breast cancer: changes to self and implications for relationships, 35/06
The psychological impact of breast cancer assessed: the testimony of a psychotherapist and breast cancer sufferer, 35/01
Galton, Frank:
Book Reviews, 12/02
Gamsu, Marcia:
Therapy and the counter-tradition: the edge of philosophy, 44/4
Gardener, Jocelyn Chaplin:
Book Reviews, 40/03
Garrard, Alanah:
Book Review: 'Embodied Relating': The Ground of Psychotherapy by Nick Totton, NL/01
Garside, Maggie:
The Squiggle Foundation, 26/01
Gaskell, Judy:
Reviews, 28/04
The X-factor—What is the Relationship between Counselling and Spirituality?, 26/05
Gassner, Jutta:
Letters, 25/03
Gawler-Wright, Pamela:
Graceful Business, 32/03
Gebert, Konstanty:
The Psychologist as Agent of change, 7/07
Gebser, Jean:
A poem by Jean Gebser (trans. Graham Mummery) – ‘And It Will Become Manyfold…’, NL/01
Gerhardt, Sue:
Hard Times: The Growth of an ‘Avoidant’ Culture, 42/03-04
Is biology enough?, 43/3
Gersh, Aron:
‘I am a humanistic psychologist’, 44/4
The God Complex in Western Wo/man, 13/04
Waves of Transformation, 11/03
Geser, Ingrid:
R.D. Laing and the Experiential Psychology of Abortion, 22/02
Gilbert, Joan:
A Traumatic Experience, 04/02
Gilbert, Sharon:
Letters, 26/06
Gildea, John:
Letters, 15/01
Giles, Katherine:
Turning Point, 06/05
Gillespie, Ann:
Images of the Lost Mother, 21/03
Gilligan, P. A.:
On Self Defence, on Staying Alive, 13/01
Gilmore, Andrew:
Wild Will's Wedding, 22/01
Gladstone, Guy:
Analytical Body Psychotherapy, 26/04
Are You Really the Therapist You Think You Are?, 25/05
Commentary on Brigitta Mowat’s ‘Climate Change on the Couch’, NL/08
Conference Afterthoughts, 22/06
Glyn Seaborn Jones, 27/04
Groups are a Necessary Good, 30/02
Letters, 24/02
On NVQs and Psychotherapy Within the Spectacle, 23/06
Once upon a time in the land of dreams, 35/03
Prayer for Activists, 41/02
The gradual hijack of humanistic psychology for other purposes, 36/01
Trucker's Breakfast, 41/02
Gladstone, Guy (Tiger):
Letters, 24/06
Gledhill, Corinne:
How does T. A. deal with feelings, 05/10
On the OK road as a T. A. trainee, 05/10
Gloster-Smith, John:
Letters, 36/02
Glouberman, Dina:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
An Open Love-ing Letter from Dina Glouberman to John Rowan on his 90, 42/03-04
Beyond Mindfulness: Revisioning Mindfulness and Spirituality in the World of the Imagination, 49/02
In praise of self-help, 43/4
Letters, 25/03
Pure Land Now or Never, 36/03
Remembering John Rowan, 1925–2018, 46/02
S, 33/01
Soul Esteem, Radical Healing and the Creative Imagination, 36/04
The Future of Humanistic Psychology, 40/02
The Gestalt Approach to the not Here-and-Now, 16/02
Visioning a humanistic future, 46/02
Glouberman, Dina (Zohar):
Zohar’s Mystic Humanistic Agony Column, NL/05
Godwin, Joyce:
Letters to the editor, 01/08
Goldsbury, Mike:
Fed up with Feminism?, 8/07
Goldwert, Marvin:
On Maslow's Concept of “The Digested Past”, 16/03
Gomez, Lavinia:
Humanistic or Psychodynamic, 31/06
Psychotherapy's Past, 27/06
Gooch, Alex:
Book Review: 'Re-visioning Existential Therapy' by Manu Bazzano (ed.), NL/07
Book Reviews, 41/01
Good, Peter:
Reviews, 36/03
Goodare, Heather:
The Bristol Cancer Research, 19/03
Goodhew, Anne:
Book Review – Wendy Clayton’s Twinship and Consciousness: A Psychotherapeutic Journey through Separateness and Unity, NL/09
Goodman, Jenny:
Jewish Spiritual Renewal, 17/03
Goodwin, Shirley:
Nursing Humans, 06/11
Gordon, Deirdre:
Centre Profile: The London Body Psychotherapy Centre, 26/02
Gordon, Paul:
For David Smail (1938–2014), 42/01-02
Gordon, Susan:
Alan Watts and neurophenomenology, 43/4
Gordon-Brown, Ian:
Letters to the editor, 05/07
Meeting with Harlequin—An approach to Imaging in Psychotherapy, 06/06
Gorman, Graham:
Regressing Nicely, 22/02
Reviews, 21/02
Gottlieb, Marcus:
Working with Gay Boarding School Survivors, 33/03
Gould, Betty:
Reviews, 24/06
Grace, Janet:
A Qualitative Study on the Rewards and Challenges of Being an Independent Practitioners Network Participant, 40/04
Grace, Narelle:
I Felt Like Writing, 11/04
Now is now is now, 10/02
Unity, 12/01
Graham, Helen:
Up Against Nasrudin, 14/06
Granwell, Brian:
Working with another Trainer in a Group, 02/04
Gray, H.L.:
The Pain of Learning, 10/04
Gray, Harry:
Experiential Learning with Adults, 14/06
Gray, Ken:
Choice through Counselling, 06/09
Gray, Kenneth:
Therapy without Words, 15/03
Vicarious Expression of Feelings, 7/09
Wo/man: Species, Individual and Therapy, 7/05
Working with Counselling, 9/02
Greaves, David:
The Mythical Story of Our Planet and the Role of Therapy, NL/09
Greaves, Thomas:
The Transpersonal and The Psychospiritual, 22/04
They Know Not What They Do, 19/01
Green, Jo:
Exploring Creativity and Reflection in the Healing Process, 34/04
Green, June:
AHP Page, 25/01
AHP/AHP Pages, 25/02
AHP/AHPP Pages, 24/06
Letters, 25/04
Green, Ruth:
Blurred Boundaries, 21/04
Co-counselling: The Early Days, 25/06
Green, Sue:
Kum Nye:A contemplative body practice, 26/04
Greenfield, Baroness Professor Susan:
Digital Technology and the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People, NL/02
Greenhill, Cora:
Iraq: Ascent of the Sky God, 20/01
Greening, Sarah:
Stockton Psychotherapy Training Institute, 23/03
Greenman, Dovi:
Exile on Main Street, 42/03-04
Beyond mindfulness, towards antiquity, 43/1
Greenslade, Rebecca:
A practice of love, 45/3-4
Book Reviews, 40/01
Dances of agency, 44/1
Forgetmeknot, 16/02
Gregory, Josie:
3. Is it Possible to be Human in an Inhuman World?, 28/05
Gregory, Judith:
Philosophy, 25/05
Gregory, Robert:
Lay Psychotherapy and Manic and Depressive Psychoses, 13/06
Grey, Kenneth:
Envy and Jealousy in a Community, 12/04
Gribble, David:
Compulsory Miseducation: how far has Paul Goodman’s 1962 book affected education around the world?, 44/4
Grierson, Joanne:
M, 35/05
Grieve, Michael:
Release: Some thoughts on Social support systems, 06/11
Griffith, Petra:
Letters, 15/01
Griffiths, Petra:
Letters to the Editor, 14/05
Griffiths, Sally:
On Wholeness, 9/04
Griffiths, Steve:
KEY VERBATIM EXCERPTS FROM: Mental Health's Market Experiment: Commissioning Psychological Therapies through Any Qualified Provider, 42/01-02
Grof, Stan:
From: How to Feel Reborn (1985), 20/02
Grossman, Will:
Myths of the Growth Movement, 02/11
The Tape-loop of Anger, 03/04
Grossman, William E.:
The Encounter Experience, 01/02
Group, The Midlands Psychology Group The Midlands Psychology:
On the road to nowhere? Social-materialist psychology and depressive realism compared, 44/2
Grundy, Catherine:
Breath With Everything, 20/04
Guest, Hazel:
Altered States of Consciousness, 10/03
Book Reviews, 14/05
Letters to the Editor, 06/04
Reviews, 26/02
Sequential Analysis, 05/11
The A.P.T. Conference in California, July 1979, 7/10
Transpersonal Psychology at the City University, 9/04
Gugenheim, Camilla:
Strangers in a Strange Land, 28/04
Guthrie, Michael:
Letters, 36/04
Guyler, Marcellus:
Encounter techniques with community school adolescents, 02/06
Haddon, Martin:
John Rowan on Men and the Male Psyche, 42/03-04
Reviews, 25/06
Hagen, Anne:
Gabrielle Roth talks and dances, 03/02
Hagen, Siri:
Gabrielle Roth talks and dances, 03/02
Hales-Tooke, Jonathon:
“Focussing' in Therapy: ‘Focussing’ in Life, 17/03
Halevi, Zaev ben Shimon:
The Tradition, 15/01
Halewood, Andrea:
Review of 'COVID-19: The Great Reset' by Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, NL/06
Halewood, Andy:
Recovering from Wellness, 49/02
Roots and History of Humanistic Psychology, 43/1
Hall, Eric:
Dependency in Groups, 02/01
Gestalt in Schods, 04/07
The Truth in the Projection, 03/08
Hall, Ian:
Letters to the editor, 01/04
Hall, Jill:
A Celebration of AHP and All Holistic Endeavours, NL/10
Conference Reports, 20/03
Holding the vision of what it is to be a whole human being as we embrace the digital age, 46/02
Letters, 25/03
Letters to the Editor, 19/05
Love Madness and Transformation, NL/01
Peer Accreditation… Within a Humanistic Framework?, 19/02
Peer Group Accreditation of Psychotherapists, 19/02
Remembering Nelson Mandela, 41/03
Reviews, 22/06
Some Post Conference Thoughts on Violence, 15/02
Spring Lament/or Celebration, 40/03
The Future of Humanistic Psychology, 40/04
The Power of The Child, 23/01
The Power of the Soft Qualities to Transform Patriarchy, 48/02
The Unpopular Subject of Ageing, 16/01
Victims Can't Forgive, 24/02
Victims Can’t Forgive, NL/10
Hall, June:
Body Impact, 27/02
Hall, Kelvin:
How the Outside Comes Inside: Ecological Selves in the Therapy Room, 41/04
Microcosm and Macrocosm in Third World Development, 02/11
Where are the Animals?, 34/06
Wildness Regained? The Challenge of Authentic Connection, 41/01
Hall, Marion:
Letters, 25/03
Hall, Martin:
Zen and the Art of Upstaging Psychiatrists, 7/02
Halliburton, Anne Whitaker:
Stay With The Process, 23/05
Hallidie-Smith, William:
December, 11/06
Re-Incarnation, 7/11
Hamblin, Angela:
Ultimate Goals, 03/12
Hamblin, David:
Place: The Lost Dimension in Psychotherapy, 34/06
Hamilton, Nigel:
Discovering the Self: A Study of Dreams on Retreat, 28/02
L, 36/03
Hamlyn, Sarah:
Stockton Psychotherapy Training Institute, 23/03
Hampson, R. G.:
After talk of lost, and separated, loves, 03/10
Hampson, R.G.:
Wooden Horse, 02/06
Hampson, Robert:
‘The Ceremonies are Ended’, 03/10
Today, 03/06
Hampson, Robert G.:
The Pornography Bandwagon, 01/05
Hancock, Maureen:
A Fairy Story, 11/03
A Fairy Story (Part 2), 12/06
Letters, 23/02
Handlin, Steven:
Book Reviews, 16/02
Hands, John:
Ah, Wilderness…, 12/04
In The Llantsylleo Mountains, 10/02
Late Equinox, 9/04
People in Search of Selves: a poem, 10/04
Photocall at the Hanwell Day centre, 16/04
Props, 8/01
The Affirmation, 12/05
Haney, Janet:
Ethical Dialogues, 42/03-04
Hansen, Grethe Hooper:
Global brain and hemispheric separation: the work of Iain McGilchrist, 44/1
REVIEW ESSAY: The Global Brain and its Hemispheric Separation (The Master and His Emissary), NL/05
Retro Review Article: Consciousness, Learning and Mind behind the Iron Curtain: The West Still Playing Catch-up?, 42/03-04
Turning the tide of hemispheric shift: the case of non-conscious learning, 44/4
Hansen, James T.:
Letters to the Editors, 40/02
The Future of Humanism: Cultivating the Humanities' Impulse in Mental Health Culture, 40/01
What Does It Mean to Know a Client? Personal and Theoretical Reflections, 40/04
Harcourt, Joan:
Part Three: Student Perspectives, 31/01
Harder, John:
Earthing, 02/11
Hardie-Bick, James:
Waiting in the wings: critical self-reflection and the disruption of flow, 47/01
Harding, D.E.:
The Face Game, 03/03
Harding, Douglas:
How to be Spontaneous, 02/10
Harding, Lindy:
Bleeding into the Vision, 22/03
Screaming to Heal, 23/03
Harding, Michael:
Astrology and Philosophy, 21/02
Astrology: The Evidence of Science, 21/02
Letters to the Editor, 19/05
Harding, Mike:
Letters, 21/04
Hardman, Charlotte:
Humanistic Psychology and the Human Potential Movement—INFORM Seminar, 20/04
Hare, David:
Reviews, 36/01
Hargaden, Helena:
An analysis of the use of the therapist's ‘vulnerable self’ and the significance of the cross-fertilization of humanistic and Jungian theory in the development of the relational approach, 43/3
My beloved, 45/2
Hariades, Ann:
A History of the Adlerian Society (UK), 32/02
Harper, Dave:
A Dialogue Arising from the Book Deconstructing Psychopathology, 42/03-04
What impact does working outdoors have on the therapeutic relationship? An interview with ecotherapist David Key, 43/2
Harris, Adrian:
Review of 'Ecotherapy in Practice: A Buddhist Model' by Caroline Brazier, 46/02
Harrison, Jeff:
Book Reviews, 40/02
Two-Way Street: The Textures of Living in Merleau-Ponty, 41/03
Harrison, Ruth:
A Humanistic Therapist Discovers the Transpersonal, 10/06
Hart, Cris:
Letters to the Editor, 17/03
Hartley, Linda:
An Enquiry into Direct Experience: Authentic Movement and the Five Skandhas, 30/01
Hartley, Peter:
Communicating about Communication, 02/03
Harvey, Rich:
A Learning Group: A view from the inside, 39/01
Harvey, Richard:
Poem, 14/04
Reviews, 22/04
Harwood, Mike:
Book Reviews, 12/05
Haslam, Deirdre:
Myth, Legend and Fairytale in Therapeutic Work with Lesbian and Gay Clients, 24/06
Understanding Our Dreams: Idle Visions or Pearls of Great Price?, 28/02
The devil you know, 43/2
Hastings, Jon:
Philosophy, 25/05
Hatfield, Sue:
Letters, 25/03
Letters to the Editor, 20/03
Some Thoughts after the 2nd National Conference on the Dynamics of Accreditation, Cambridge, June 1992, 20/04
Hauke, Christopher:
The Society of Analytical Psychology, 24/03
Hawkins, Jan:
Men—Women: People, 24/01
Hawkins, Peter:
“In the Therapeutic Theatre Reality and Illusion are one”, 8/09
Editorial, 13/02
Humanistic Psychotherapy Supervision, 13/02
Hawkins, Professor Peter:
Alix Pirani, 46/01
Hay, Julie:
Supervision for Coaches, 32/03
Hayes, Cristalle:
Not another theory, 44/2
Hayes, Lesley:
Loved Into Life, 38/03
Haynes, Nick:
Raising the Consciousness of the Human Race, NL/10
Hayton, Althea:
Food counselling: are we what we eat?, 29/01
Hayward, Ellis:
So here I am—what next?, 35/05
Head, Jackie:
Short Term work and its long term benefits, 35/04
Heal, Christianne:
DIY Funerals as Therapy, 22/01
David Jones: Obituary and memoires, 33/01
Letters, 25/03
Heap, Nick:
Building Peace, 11/01
Hecht, Michael:
Change in Teaching—A Tentative Assessment, 01/07
Hedinger-Farrell, Korinna:
Reviews, 23/02
Heery, Myrtle:
Unearthing the Moment, 27/03
Heeswijk, Ad van:
Letters, 25/06
Hegan, Laurence:
From personal to global – the art of living well, 44/2
Hemming, Judith:
Enhancing Children's Learning, 33/04
Public provision of psychotherapy, 43/2
Hemmings, Adrian:
Book Reviews, 40/01
Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire, or Genuinely Broadening Access to Psychological Therapy in the NHS?, 39/04
Review II by Adrian Hemmings, 44/4
Henderson, Valerie:
Book Review, 9/04
Henriques, Marika:
‘The Spirit of the Feminine Never Dies’: An exploration of the archetype through the death of a princess, 26/04
Henry, Patrick:
Thinking Class-Ecology, 27/03
Heron, John:
An open letter to Harvey Jackins, 02/05
Confluent and Political Learning on IDHP Courses, 19/04
Criteria for evaluating Growth-Movements, 03/04
Draft Proposal, 02/08
Editorial, 8/04
History & Development of Co-Counselling, 8/04
Holism and collegiality, 29/02
My Early Engagement with Humanistic Psychology, 40/01
Re-Evaluation Counselling, 01/02
Heuer, Birgit:
To be or not to be: divergence and communality in Jungian analytic and humanistic approaches, 43/3
Heuer, Gottfried:
Bodytherapy and Jungian Analysis, 15/04
Heuer, Gottfried Maria:
To the Midden of History!, 46/02
Hicks, Dave:
Reviews, 22/02
Hill, Jim:
Book Reviews, 19/01
Hills, John:
The psychosomatics of distress: case study insights into lived experience and therapeutic change, 46/02
Hilton, Jo:
Book Reviews, 40/03
Hinshelwood, Robert:
A brief memory of John Forrester, 44/1
Hinton, Sue:
Roads to Freedom Conference-One Person's Journey, 06/03
Hoare, Ian:
Counselling for Learning, 03/04
Hoare, Susanna:
Boarding School, the Happiest Days of Your Life?, 42/01-02
Hobart, Virginia:
Child's Play, 27/01
Hoffman, Louis:
Creativity in the Evolution of Humanistic Psychology, 40/01
Holbrook, David:
David Holbrook Replies, 01/06
The Effects of Violence and Sex in Culture, 01/03
Holder, Ian:
The Search for Gold in the Shadow of Organisations?, 31/02
Holferd, Patrick:
Poem, 7/01
Holland, Ian:
Atlantis is Alive and Well and Living in Co. Donegal, 04/08
Holland, Sue:
Motherhood, Melancholia and Mutual Groups, 13/06
Holley, Jacquelyn:
On Therapy Supervision, 13/02
Holt, Gill:
Conference under canvas…, 35/03
Holtom, Robin:
Vanishing Points, 03/08
Hopkins, John:
Nicholas Albery, 29/03
Hopkinson, Kate:
The Origins and Birth of the IDHP, 19/04
Horder, John:
The Indian Mystic and the Jazz Musician, 02/02
Hornby, Billie:
Using the Medicine Wheel Tradition on an IDHP Diploma Course, 19/04
Horobin, Richard:
Editorial, 8/04
Emotional Discharge: What is it and Why do it?, 8/05
Horovitz, Adam:
Orpheus in the Download Underworld, 40/03
Poetry Review: Poppy and Other Poems of Grief and Celebration by Julian Nangle, NL/04
Horrocks, John:
Therapy, Politics and Spirituality, 14/02
Horrocks, Mary:
My Conference, 26/06
Horrocks, Roger:
A Fresh Look at Freud, 21/02
Hopelessness, 16/06
Letters, 21/03
Letters to the Editor, 12/04
Marxism and Humanistic Psychology, 16/04
Masculinity in Crisis, 22/04
Now, 28/01
Registration of Psychotherapists, 19/01
The History of Feelings, 13/05
The Missing Goddess, 15/01
The Tyranny of Object Relations, 30/05
Working with Countertransference, 23/06
Horsfield, Dave:
Centre Profile: Temenos, 27/02
Horwood, Jeff:
Stanislav Grof's Perinatal Matrices, 7/01
Horwood, Tone:
AHPP Page, 30/05
AHPP page, 28/03
AHPP report, 30/02
Introduction, 26/01
Reviews, 24/03
Hough, Alexandra:
Letters, 23/02
House, Richard:
‘Closing the Gap’ TUC conference, Salford, 29 April 2016: Mental health beyond austerity: a ‘mental wealth’ approach to post-austerity policy-making, 44/4
‘Humanistic Retro Classics’, 39/04
5G Technology Demands a Precautionary Approach: An Interview with Michael Bevington, NL/04
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
A Client’s Rich Psychotherapeutic Journey – Part I: interview with Wendy Clayton, NL/09
A Dialogue Arising from the Book Deconstructing Psychopathology, 42/03-04
A Tale of Two Conferences, 20/04
An Interview with Jill Hall, 50/1-2
An Unqualified Good: The IPN as a Path through and beyond Professionalisation, 32/04
BOOK REVIEW ESSAY: Safeguarding Children and the Overreaching of the State into the Private Realm, NL/05
Beyond the Brain, 23/06
Book Review: 'Screen Schooled' by Joe Clements and Matt Miles, NL/01
Book Review: A Psychology of Human Dignity by Ad Dekkers, 46/01
Book Review: Aaron Balick, The Psychodynamics of Social Networking, NL/03
Book Review: Barry Richards, The Politics of Psychology, NL/05
Book Reviews, 41/01
Book notice: David Lorimer’s A Quest for Wisdom, 49/02
British guitarist John McLaughlin in conversation, 44/4
Celebrating a Great Life: John Heron (1928–2022): A Symposium, NL/09
Conference Report: The Legacy of Peter Lomas, 1923–2010, 38/03
Counselling Psychology in the UK: a critical-humanistic perspective, 44/1
Editorial, 44/3
Facebook’s Founding President Admits Deliberate Creation of Addiction, NL/03
From Professionalisation towards a Post-therapy Era, 25/02
Fund for Change, 39/04
Guest Editorial, II: introduction to the theme issue, 45/1
INTERVIEW-DIALOGUE: Co-liberation – Journeying for a New Worldview, beyond Patriarchy and Materialism, 49/01
INTERVIEW: Daniel F. Davis - Erich Fromm in Humanistic Perspective, NL/06
INTERVIEW: Paradigms, Paradigms… – Martin Cohen, NL/07
INTERVIEW: Psychologists on the Case of Social Networking, 48/01
INTERVIEW: Saville Kushner - A Journey through the World of (Humanistic) Education, NL/06
INTERVIEW: Schooling, Home Education and Childhood under Covid – Anna Dusseau, NL/07
Interview with Gavin Robinson: Trauma and Its Impact on Politics: Finding a Way to Dialogue on Anti-Semitism, NL/04
Interview with Professor Ernesto Spinelli, NL/02
Interview with Sami Timimi, NL/02
Interview – ‘The Western Medical System Is Not Based in Genuine Science’ – Dawn Lester & David Parker, NL/10
Interview: A ‘Critical Psy’ Perspective on Covid, Part II… – Bruce Scott, NL/08
Interview: Bringing Critical Humanistic Thinking to Contemporary Biomedicine – Vincent Di Stefano, NL/08
Interview: Deploying the Podcast in the Service of Humanistic Psychology? – with Catherine Llewellyn, NL/09
Interview: Existentialism and Therapy, Bazzano Style, NL/05
Interview: Existentialism-humanism, US Style – Kirk Schneider, NL/05
Interview: Ian James Kidd - Where Science and Society Meet – the Contemporary Relevance of Paul K. Feyerabend, 1924–94, NL/06
Interview: Yvonne Bates on Interrogating the therapy phenomenon, 46/02
Jay Beichman – interviewed by Richard House, NL/03
John Rowan in/and Self & Society, 1973 to date: A Complete Bibliography, 42/03-04
Jungian Analysis and Humanistic Psychotherapy: Critical Connections – Past, Present and Future, Saturday 25 October, London, 43/2
Keith Tudor – interviewed by Richard House, NL/03
Legislating against Abuse of Clients in Therapy: A Cautionary View, 23/02
Letter to the editor, 47/02
Letters, 23/03
Love, Intimacy and Therapeutic Change, 24/01
New Departures for Self and Society, 39/02
Peer Accreditation… Within a Humanistic Framework?, 19/02
Petruska Clarkson, 34/02
Psy healing beyond modernity and professionalization?, 44/3
Psycho-environmentalism, NL/03
Psychophonetics, Rudolf Steiner and the psychological therapies: Part II, 46/01
Psychophonetics, Rudolf Steiner and the psychological therapies: part I, 45/1
Remembering Jean Clark, 1926–2018, NL/01
Remembering John Rowan, 1925–2018, 46/02
Retro Review Classic, 40/02
Review Essay: On the Quantification of the Social, and Its Vicissitudes, NL/04
Review II, 44/4
Review essay: The Highest Common Denominator by Miki Kashtan, 49/01
Reviews, 24/04
Self and Society's 40th Birthday, 40/01
Self and Society: an unfolding, ongoing story for Humanistic Psychology in Britain, 47/02
Short book reviews – The Snake in the Clinic and Immoral Education, NL/02
Steiner meets Winnicott: The ‘Mind Object’ and the case against prematurity, 46/01
Steiner, therapy, he(art): Ensconcing the heart at the centre of ‘beyond-modernity’ therapeutic work, 46/01
The Independent Practitioners Network: An Introduction, 32/04
The New Editors—Some Leading Thoughts, 39/03
The Planned Demolition of Britain’s Welfare State: Interview with Independent Researcher Mo Stewart, NL/01
The Rise of Therapeutic Education: Beneficent, Uncertain, or Dangerous?, 39/03
The Whistleblowers: Humanistic Education, according to J. Krishnamurti, NL/09
The therapeutic dimensions of walking: an interview with art therapist and walker, Karin Jarman, 44/3
Towards post-professional practice: principled non-compliant practitionership in a post-regulation era, 36/02
Why Mowbray was Right about Regulation: Or Mapping a Journey towards a ‘Post-therapy Era’, 38/01
Writings of Rudolf Steiner, 45/1
‘Principled Non-compliance’: Some Background to a New Cultural Movement, NL/01
Houston, Gaie:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
Alan Dale Interview, 02/05
Autonomy: Do you jump or are you pushed?, 02/09
Book Reviews, 05/05
Conscious or Aware?, 20/01
Conversations with Women at Greenham Peace Camp About Non-Violent Direct Action, 11/05
Emily is Seven, 21/03
Feeling ID, 01/01
Gelstalt by Yourselves, 13/06
Group Supervision of Groupwork, 13/02
Introduction to Gestalt, 8/02
Just a Dream, 9/03
Knitting Pattern for a Bullet-Proof Vest, 9/01
Learning About Peace, 11/05
Letter to the Editor – on S&S and the late John Rowan, NL/02
Long Long Ago, 40/03
Moving Forward, 27/06
Peaker, 03/05
Reviews, 27/01
Telling Stories, 13/03
The Creative use of Hostility, 02/08
The Future of Humanistic Psychology, 40/02
The Hierarchy of Horror, 05/11
The Meanings of Power, 21/04
The Same Some Time Later, 25/02
Whatever Happened to Radical Therapy?, 21/05
Houston, Gaye:
Ursula by Gaie Houston, 44/4
Howard, Paul:
Reflections on Brampton Manor School's Appreciative Inquiry Residential Workshop, 32/07
Howell, Polly:
Death Row, 46/02
Poem 'Lockdown Week 12: Toppled’, 48/02
Poem: 'Graced', 49/01
Poem: 'Somewhere else', 49/01
Poetry by Polly Howell, NL/09
‘Wintering’ by Polly Howell, NL/08
Howton, Barry:
The Bredgar Band, 04/04
Hua, Li Min:
Ice Cube Poem, 14/05
Hudson, Glyn:
Letters, 24/05
Hughes, E.:
Reflections on the first year of a critical psychotherapy supervision collective, 45/1
Hughes, Gerrie:
Reviews, 24/01
Hugill, Barry:
Good Press, 20/01
Huizinga, Julius:
The World I Live In, 13/01
Humphries, Maria:
Embracing a Pākehā cronehood: storying self, society, and the common good, 45/2
Hunt, Naomi:
Childhood Memories, 22/06
Hutchinson, Pat:
Values Based Coaching, 32/03
Hutchison, Brenda:
Reviews, 34/04
Hyams, Saily:
Letter to the editor, 01/10
Hyde, Christine:
Stammering: Solving the Dilemma of ‘Misunderstood’, 25/04
Hyde, Mervyn:
Book Review: 'Free, Equal and Mutual' edited by Martin Large and Steve Briault, NL/01
Hyde, Unmani Liza:
Longing, 36/03
Inayat, Fazal:
Qalandar, 04/03
Inayat-Khan, Fazal:
Interest in Everything, 04/05
Ingham, Terry:
Enhancing Children's Learning, 33/04
Inman, Sarah:
Letters, 21/04
Shadow in Women, 24/01
Who is the Mother?, 21/03
Iorwerth, Geraint ap:
A response to Vivian Milroy's response to Geraint ap Iorwerth's response to John Rowan, 10/03
Psychology and Spirituality, 10/03
Iossifides, Marina:
Thoughts on the Greek Crisis and Person-centred Counselling: Crisis, Congruence and Questions Asked, 41/02
Iusitini, Leon:
Healthy Pacific grandparents: a participatory action research project exploring ageing well among Pacific people in New Zealand, 45/2
Ivimy, Jacky:
From civil rights and R.D. Laing to Zen: the therapeutic practice of Dr Leon Redler, 45/3-4
Izadi, Behnam:
Letters to the Editor, 12/02
Jackson, Rosemary:
Beyond God the Mother: Women, Writing and Spirituality, 15/01
Jacobs, Michael:
Forgiveness and Revenge, 24/02
Suitable Clients for Counselling and Psychotherapy, 24/05
Jacques, Glenys:
The Couple as the Client, 29/01
The Dynamic Flow of the Couple, 33/05
Jacques, Glynes X:
Self and Society. AGM and Workshop, 34/02
Jacques, Glynes X.:
Petruska Clarkson, 34/02
James, Jane:
Enhancing Children's Learning, 33/04
James, Jenny:
Atlantis-New Revolutionary Force in Ireland?, 06/02
Letters to the Editor, 05/12
Jamieson, Guy:
‘Closing the Gap’ TUC conference, Salford, 29 April 2016: Mental health beyond austerity: a ‘mental wealth’ approach to post-austerity policy-making, 44/4
Janes, David:
Book Reviews, 14/04
Jannaway, Richard:
Letters to the Editor, 19/03
From: How to Feel Reborn (1985), 20/02
Janov, Arthur:
Book Review, 01/01
Jarman, Karin:
Oasis – a support group for living creatively, 46/01
The therapeutic dimensions of walking: an interview with art therapist and walker, Karin Jarman, 44/3
Unlearning, relearning, 44/1
Wildness and our original one-ness with creation, 44/3
Jayran, Shan:
My Child, 21/01
Stand up and Be a Woman, 20/03
The Passion of Therapy, 20/02
Jeffrey, Carol:
Using Dreams in Therapy, 9/03
Jelfs, Martin:
Letters, 25/03
Sex and the curious behaviour of the dog, 35/06
Tantra, 27/05
The AHPP Page, 20/01
Jenner, Alec:
A Dialogue Arising from the Book Deconstructing Psychopathology, 42/03-04
Jennings, Sue:
The Place of Drama in Education, 01/07
JoHannson, Sofia:
REVIEW ESSAY: The New Frontier of Power: Human or Machine?, NL/06
Jobling, Frances:
Book Reviews, 8/09
Johansson, Sofia:
Book Review: Glen Park's Chakra Healing Therapy, 49/02
Letters, 28/06
Old Angel, 43/1
John, Ian St.:
Natural Massage, 10/01
Johns, Ruth:
Assaulting the Dying, 22/01
Johnson, Charlotte:
Stockton Psychotherapy Training Institute, 23/03
Johnson, Deirdre:
Models of the ‘Self’: gendered, non-gendered and trans-gendered, 43/3
Johnson, Geoff:
Reviews, 32/05
Stray dogs or belonging to the Emperor: commentary on the UPCA conference, 2014, 43/1
Jonea, David:
Fantasy and Reality in University Life, 14/06
Jones, A. David:
Accreditation of Skills by Peers in Training, 13/04
Book Reviews, 15/03
Jones, A.David:
Book Reviews, 15/03
Jones, Bob:
Book Reviews, 01/09
Editorial, 01/01
Jones, Dave:
AHP/AHPP Conference Reports, 22/06
Letters, 23/03
Reviews, 26/02
Jones, David:
A Letter in Response, 20/04
A Psychotherapist's View of Memory, 22/03
A Recent History, 20/04
AHP to Change its Name?, 24/02
AHPP to Leave AHP?, 27/03
Ageing in Africa, 16/01
Aids, 20/04
Alderdice in Context, 27/06
An Interview with Emmy, 23/04
Bad Journalism, 24/03
Bhagwan and the Human Potential Movement, 15/05
Bibliography on Bhagwan, 15/05
Book Beviews, 16/04
Book Reviews, 16/03
Conference News, 19/04
Editorial, 23/04
Ethical Issues, 21/01
Ethical issues, 29/03
How To Survive Cohen And Taylor, 14/01
Humanistic Psychology at L.S.E, 15/04
Hypnosis—Real and Assumed, 17/01
In and Out of the Dog House, 32/06
Introduction, 25/06
Letters, 20/04
Letters to the Editor, 20/02
Meeting Points Between Humanistic Psychology and Parapsychology, 19/06
Obituary: Carlos Castaneda, 26/06
Psychospiritual and Transpersonal Psychotherapies, 24/04
Psychotherapists: a club or a profession?, 27/02
Psychotherapy and Attachment, 23/06
Quaesitor—How Humanistic Therapy Got Going in Britain, 24/04
Registration of Psychotherapists, 19/01
Replacing Your Certificates, 23/04
Reviews, 27/05
The British Psychological Society, 25/04
The Pagan Issue, 16/05
The Royal College Of Psychiatrists, 27/04
What Is the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)?, 26/03
What is the British Association for Counselling?, 24/05
Jones, Glyn Seaborn:
Growth, 05/05
Jones, Helen:
The Afan Alternative For Young Offenders, 8/09
Jones, Peter:
Must Hypnotherapy be for Ever the Ugly Duckling?, 14/01
Jones, Ray:
Reversals, Delinquency & Fun, 9/05
Jones, Seaborne:
Guided Dialogue and Understanding Dreams, 15/02
Jones, Shirley:
Letters to the Editor, 19/03
Jones, Sue:
Exploring Shadow and Transparency in Psychotherapy Training Institutes: Implications for the design and implementation of institutional complaint procedures (Part 1), 36/03
Exploring Shadow and Transparency in Psychotherapy Training Institutes: Implications for the design and implementation of institutional complaint procedures (Part 2), 36/04
Jonsdottir, Inge:
Newsletter from the Icelandic Chapter, 04/04
Jordan, Susan:
By the National Gallery I Sat Down and Wept, 23/03
First Love, 23/05
Glad to be Gay?, 22/02
Introduction - Focusing, 33/02
Letters, 22/03
Reviews, 24/05
So What's All This Therapy About?, 24/05
Who is God?, 22/04
Joseph, Stephen:
Editorial, 38/02
Jukes, Adam:
Letter to the editor, 04/08
Julian, Hello:
Letters, 36/02
Justyn, Joann:
Evolving Aspects of Person-Centered Workshop, 06/02
Kabesh, Amal Treacher:
Partial Femininities: Vexed Feelings, Troublesome Recognition, 37/03
Kahan, Tracey:
What You Cannot Do in a Lucid Dream, 23/03
Kahn, Anne:
Flesh is cheap, 7/03
Scrape, 7/09
Kahn, Peter H.:
Children, Nature and Moral Development, 34/06
Kahn, Tim:
Building Self-esteem in Children, 25/05
Kaiisch, David:
Reviews, 22/03
Capitalism versus the climate, 44/1
Editorial, 43/1
Kalisch, David:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
British guitarist John McLaughlin in conversation, 44/4
Editorial, 45/1
John Rowan in/and Self & Society, 1973 to date: A Complete Bibliography, 42/03-04
Letters, 25/02
Made in India, 43/3
New Departures for Self and Society, 39/02
Review II, 44/4
Reviews, 26/04
Self and Society's 40th Birthday, 40/01
The New Editors—Some Leading Thoughts, 39/03
Was Freud Humanistic After All?, 19/05
Kalisch, Michael:
Against obedience, 44/2
Earth-touching Buddha, 41/04
Kane, Olive:
Drawing with light in borderlands: A phenomenological case study of the use of photography in psychological recovery, 46/02
Kaplinsky, Catherine:
The History of the SAP, 24/03
Kapur, Raman:
Krishnamurti and Psychotherapy, 13/05
Kardaun, Maria:
Interpreting the Dream of Oblomov, 23/03
On Being Abused, 30/03
Karp, Marcia:
Letters to the Editor, 8/02
Psychodrama, 8/08
The Classical Psychodrama of Moreno, 8/09
Kasba, G. S.:
Letters to the Editor, 06/05
Kashtan, Miki:
Making the Invisible Visible, NL/10
THE MIKI KASHTAN COLUMN – What’s Mine to Do?, 49/02
THE MIKI KASHTAN COLUMN – The Radical Implications of Staying within Capacity, 49/01
The Miki Kashtan Column, NL/07
The Power of the Soft Qualities to Transform Patriarchy, 48/02
Kass, Jared:
Evolving Aspects of Person-Centered Workshop, 06/02
Kaur, Ounkar:
The Asian Women's Counselling Service, 35/04
Kay, Kay:
The Self Esteem of Children—Creating Tomorrow Today, 25/05
Keith, Ann:
Consecrated Henceforth to Service, 16/03
Sonnet on Dissolving Barriers, 14/04
Kell, Chris:
Reviews, 32/01
Kelly, Tony:
Pagan Movement, 10/06
Kemp-Leighton, Mavis:
Letters to the Editor, 16/03
Kenealy, Pamela:
Drinking and More Drinking, 9/05
Kennedy, Desmond:
Perception as the Upsurge of a World, 41/03
Kenton, Warren:
The Tradition, 15/01
Kers, Noni:
Letters, 28/03
Kershaw, Sheri:
Part Three: Student Perspectives, 31/01
Keshet-Orr, Judi:
Letters, 31/02
Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy in the 21st. Century, 32/02
Kessel, Inge:
Letters, 22/01
Keter, Vincent:
UKCP ethics and complaints procedures: Fact or Fiction?, 28/01
Kevlin, Frank:
Meditation in Psychotherapy, 17/02
The Existential Crisis Called Suicide, 16/06
Transpersonal patterns in the Natural Change Project, 43/2
Keys, Suzanne:
Book Review: 'Psychiatry and Mental Health: A Guide for Counsellors and Psychotherapists' by Rachel Freeth, 50/1-2
Book Reviews, 41/02
Climate, ethics, politics and economy of loving in therapy, 39/02
Keyserling, Arnold:
T'SUN JAN—Human Fulfilment according to Taoism, 7/10
The Human Potential Movement in Europe, 10/06
The Phenomenology of Reincarnation, 06/01
Khan, Anne:
Card-Carrying Schizophrenic, 13/06
Khan, Fazal Inayat:
Interest In Everything, 04/07
Kidd, Vicky:
The IDHP Diploma: 25 years of pioneering, 29/02
Kierski, Werner:
Letters, 34/06
Men and the Fear of the Feminine, 34/05
Killikelly, Timothy:
Whose Dream Is It Anyway?, 23/02
King, James:
AHP/AHPP Conference Reports, 22/06
King, Steve:
Contentions, 33/06
Letters, 31/03
Pathological Spirituality, 29/01
Kinsman, Francis:
“He, She and It”, 12/03
Kirby, Babs:
An Introduction to This Issue's Theme, 21/02
Astrological Counselling Courses, 21/02
Kitzinger, Celia:
Anti-Lesbianism in the British Psychological Society, 21/01
Klassman, Michael:
Some Notes on Psychodrama, 02/04
Some psychodrama warm-up techniques, 02/05
Klein, Josephine:
Why, as nearly as we can, we want our Refugee Centre to be run by people who have known enforced migration, 32/05
Kluge, Brigitte:
The Effect of Lifestyle on the Personality, 7/07
Knight, Christiane:
A Natural Birth, 12/01
Knight, Ken:
Helping Self-Help Groups to Help Themselves, 13/06
The Bootstrapper, 16/03
Knight, Tamasin:
Happiness, Austerity and Malignant Individualism, NL/02
Knopf, Hugh:
Book Review: Manu Bazzano, 'Nietzsche and Psychotherapy', NL/04
Kofler, Len:
Reviews, 24/02
Kogo, Yoshiyuki:
Aum shinrikyo, 31/01
Kolosky, Walter:
REVIEW SYMPOSIUM: Mahavishnu Orchestra, ‘The Inner Mounting Flame’, 49/02
Koryakov, Yaroslav:
Letters, 27/03
Kovacs, Elizabeth:
Courage in Supervision, NL/04
Kreitman, Roger:
Book Review, 05/10
Transactional Analysis—What is it?, 05/10
Krejzl, Mary:
Encounter Conflicts, 02/01
Poem, 04/10
The Loss of Self, 03/04
Krippner, Stanley:
Future Opportunities for Humanistic Psychology, 40/03
Retro Review Article: Consciousness, Learning and Mind behind the Iron Curtain: The West Still Playing Catch-up?, 42/03-04
Three Balinese Dreams, 23/04
Kurjo, Sabine:
From India with Peace, 11/05
Humanistic Psychology, 16/05
Power, 13/03
War and Peace—Men and Women, 11/01
Kurtz, Ron:
How I Knew…, 25/03
Kuttna, Mari:
Edinburgh—The way out Film Festival, 06/04
Film Review, 05/12
In and Out of encounter, 02/06
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, 04/09
Kuttner, Simon:
Letters to Our Children, NL/08
Steiner Meets Bollas: Destruction and Birth in Therapy and the Healing Power of Breakdown, 50/1-2
Steiner Meets Stern and Bollas: Understanding Forms of Vitality, NL/08
Steiner and Intersubjective Psychology: The Healing Power of the Betweenness Experience, NL/06
Steiner and Winnicott in Dialogue: The Threshold Experience in Emptiness and Potential Space, 48/01
Poem, 03/01
Letters to the Editor, 12/02
Løvendal, Helena:
Letters, 29/03
Løvendal-Sørensen, Helena:
Reviews, 32/05
Labworth, Yig:
Ageing, 16/01
Lachman, Louanne:
The Spiritual within Psychotherapy, 21/05
Laff, Cabby:
Developing a Humanistic Model of Psychosexual Therapy, 29/03
Lago, Colin:
Letter to the Editors, 43/4
New Challenges to the Helping Professions - 40 years after Carl Rogers, 41/02
Laing, R. D.:
Existential Topology, 06/07
Laing, R.D.:
From: How to Feel Reborn (1985), 20/02
Lake, Frank:
Primal Integration Work, 15/04
The Significance of Perinatal Experience, 06/07
Lake, Moira:
The regular COLUMN, 29/01
Lamb, Geoff:
Beyond Oedipus, 49/01
Book Review: John Bunzl and Nick Duffell, The SIMPOL Solution, NL/05
Letters, 32/05
Masculinity and Counselling, 34/01
Retro Review: 'Rethinking Audit Cultures' by L. King and C. Moutsou (eds), 49/01
Reviews, 33/05
The Therapist as Gadfly, NL/05
Lambers, Elke:
Facilitator Development Institute, 04/12
Lambert, David:
Environmental Activism: In Defence of 'Criminal Damage', 49/01
On Uncertainty, NL/06
Lamont, Dr Neil:
Guest Editorial, 47/01
Time for another? Experiential accounts of existential time- limited therapy at an HIV counselling service, 47/01
Lamont, Juliet:
Reviews, 23/01
Lampen, John:
A Political Issue?, 24/02
Land, Douglas:
The La Jolla Program, 7/11
Lane, Julie:
Reviews, 27/02
Lane, Tilla:
Not an Ordinary Mother's Group, 19/06
Lang, Gordon:
Martha!, 01/08
Lang, Richard:
Douglas Harding and the Headless Way, 16/03
Douglas Harding and the Living Universe, 25/06
Spirals, 25/06
Langdon, Roslyn:
A Journey, 10/03
Early Days in the AHP, 22/01
Journey of Exploration, 19/06
Langley, D.M.:
The Theatre of Psychodrama, 8/09
Lapworth, Phil:
PROFILE: metanoia, 19/02
Large, Martin:
Book Review: Dan McKannan, 'Eco-Alchemy: Anthroposophy and the History and Future of Environmentalism', NL/03
Book Review: Postformal Education: A Philosophy of Complex Futures by Jennifer M. Gidley, 46/01
Present Shock: From Fear to Building Commonweal, NL/03
Reviews, 23/04
Larsen, Constance:
Depression, 16/06
The Psychic Saving Value of Writing, 14/03
Lawrence, Guy:
Book Reviews, 12/04
Lawrence, Peter:
“How to be at Home”, 7/05
Lawrence, Sacha:
Reflections on the first year of a critical psychotherapy supervision collective, 45/1
Lawrence, Yvonne:
Stockton Psychotherapy Training Institute, 23/03
Lawton, Derek:
Letter from the UK AHPP re proposals from the Professional Standards Authority, NL/07
Psychotherapy and Statutory Regulation, 36/01
Retro Review Classics, 41/02
LeBon, Tim:
Reviews, 30/01
Leblanc, Denise:
Al Pesso Talking, 02/10
Leder, Catherine:
A journey towards integration, 30/05
Lee, Brian:
The Psychiatrist, 05/09
Lee, Colin:
Music Therapy: Information, 19/01
The Efficacy of Music Therapy for People with H.I.V. and A.I.D.S, 19/01
Lee, Deborah A.:
‘@emmyzen liked your tweet!’ (and other stories): The antidote to case studies, 47/02
Lee, Dr Deborah A.:
Book Review: Our Encounters with Stalking (2017), 47/02
Lees, John:
A response to Martin Pollecoff and Adrian Hemmings, 44/4
Accountable to Whom?, 24/03
Addressing materialism and illusionism in anthroposophic psychotherapy, 45/1
Anthroposophy as an enrichment of psychotherapy, 46/01
Book Review: The Counsellor... as if Soul and Spirit Matter: Inspirations from Anthroposophy by William Bento, Edmund Knighton, Roberta Nelson, David Tresemer, 46/01
Client insight and client as healer in anthroposophic psychotherapy, 46/01
Guest Editorial, I: a historical overview, 45/1
The man who did not wish to come to Earth: a case study, 45/1
Leigh, Lauraine:
Dramatherapy and Emotional Support in London Schools, 30/02
Lessem, Ronald:
A Psychosynthesis of Organizational Behaviour, 02/03
Leveille, Dina:
A Private Travail, 9/01
Levitsky, Patricia:
Meaning, Motivation and Survival, 12/05
Levy, Annie:
Book Review: Jose Luis Vivero-Pol & others (Eds.), 'Routledge Handbook of Food as a Commons', NL/04
Levy, Martin:
Guest Editor’s Introduction, 45/3-4
Guest Editor’s Introduction: Paul Goodman (1911–1972), 44/4
Letter to the Editor, NL/05
Martin Levy Interview with Joe Berke, 45/3-4
Wooden huts, anyone? Paul Goodman’s The Community of Scholars after (more than) 50 years, 44/4
Lewin, Paul:
Fit for Purpose: The Organisation of Psychotherapy Training, 34/01
Lewis, Howell:
The Primal Process, 19/06
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, 21/01
Liedloff, Jean:
The Continuum Concept In Practice, 14/04
Lifschitz, Stan:
Agape, 30/02
Lightbown, Ray:
The Politics of gay Counselling, 8/07
Liley, A.M.:
The Foetus as a Personality, 05/06
Linneil, Maxine:
Letters, 38/01
Linnell, Maxine:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
AHPB Co-chairs' Page, 37/03
Agape, 30/02
David Jones: Obituary and memoires, 33/01
Editorial, 33/02
Letters, 31/06
Magnificence, 38/02
Now—an update from the editors, 28/05
Relating through the Chakras, 21/06
Releasing creativity, 37/03
Report:, 33/01
Reviews, 36/02
Tribute to David Jones from the editors, 32/06
When I've had just one more cigarette: helping people to give up smoking., 34/05
Linsley, Wendy:
Co-counselling and children, 8/05
Lipsey, Robert:
The Boredom Threshold for Books and Therapists, 06/10
Lipson, Michael:
Thoughts too deep for tears: the transformation of emotion into feeling, 46/01
Liss, Jerome:
“The space of the Possible:” Summer Camping and Group Experiences in a New Political Tradition, 7/03
“The space of the possible:” Summer camping and Group Experiences in a new Political tradition, 7/02
‘Why are you shaking so?’, 02/03
Emotional Therapy Means Emotional Discharge, 01/05
Emotions and The Life Energy, 02/04
Encounter for loneliness and the need for change, 02/09
Learn Purposefulness in a Group, 02/10
Let's Get Together—And Get it Together!, 01/08
Masochism, Alcoholism and other Contradictory Phenomena, 02/07
Open your chakras, 02/05
Our Culture Makes Zombies of Us, 14/03
Talking and Listening can be Meditation, 02/02
Tapping the Body's Mysterious Vitality after Seventeen Years of Meditation, 01/09
The “Cultural Revolution” in the AAO, 06/10
The Group Experience, 01/10
The Janov Syndrome, 14/01
The Politics of Group Participation and the New Social Revolution, 05/03
The Politics of Group Participation and the New Social Revolution Part II, 05/04
The Politics of Group Participation and the New Social Revolution Part III, 05/05
Using Mime and Reenactment to Supervise Body-Orientated Therapy, 13/02
What the AAO has to offer the World, 06/02
Llewellyn, Catherine:
Interview – Self Meets Society: A Personal Perspective on Street Activism…: Richard House with Catherine Llewellyn, NL/10
Podcast interview – Power With, and Getting to ‘Yes’: Denis Postle with Catherine Llewellyn, NL/10
Why Thinking for Ourselves Is a Strategic Necessity and What to Do about It, 50/1-2
Lobstein, Hans:
‘Psychiatry and Alternative Support Programmes’, 04/01
A Day in my Life, 04/05
About the AHP, 05/09
Another Way In, 02/01
Book Reviews, 7/10
Conflict and Co-operation between Groups, and their relevance to community work, 03/01
Early Days in the AHP, 22/01
Feedback, 04/01
From the Therapist's Cushion, 20/03
Geronda's Passion, 15/06
Group work and community involvement, 02/09
Growth Centers, 03/12
How Healthy is Mental Health?, 03/12
How Honest is Honest?, 01/05
If Only I Knew, 02/07
Introduction, 06/11
Letters, 28/02
Letters to the Editor, 06/10
Letters to the editor, 05/02
Mind Out—Way Out, 03/11
My Own Story, 16/04
Poem, 7/07
The Californian Scene, 01/04
The Hidden Agenda, 01/06
The Neighbourhood Groups Situation, 04/10
The Power and the Devil, 13/06
Unemployment-Who gets the jobs?, 05/02
Voluntary Community Action and Television—Conference Feb. 26–27 1976, 04/04
What do I Want, 05/10
Who are the Oppressed?, 06/05
Why I didn't Yell, 02/04
Lockhart, Douglas G.:
In and Out (and Around) Awareness—A Dialogue, 01/05
In and out (and around) Awareness—a dialogue, 28/06
Lodziak, Conrad:
The Disadvantaged, 01/06
The Self and Learning: The Development of the Self, 03/06
The Self and Learning: The Dialectics of Liberation (Continuation), 03/09
The Self and Learning: Toward a Phenomenological Method, 03/05
The Subjectivity of Scientific Method, 02/02
Psychotherapy and counselling: from cottage industry to factory production – can we survive, and do we want to?, 43/1
Loewenthal, Del:
'A Glimpse of Love': The Therapist's Experience of Love in the Therapeutic Relationship, NL/05
Reflections on the first year of a critical psychotherapy supervision collective, 45/1
The Rise of Therapeutic Education: Beneficent, Uncertain, or Dangerous?, 39/03
Loftin, Craig M.:
From ‘bisexual’ to ‘queer’: the radical sexuality of Paul Goodman, 44/4
Lomac, Gina:
Reviews, 21/05
Lomas, Peter:
A unified psychotherapy?, 30/05
Can There be a Unified Psychotherapy?, 28/03
Lomax, Maggie:
Counselling into the millennium and the role of AHPP, 27/06
Lonsdale, Sarah:
Bad Press, 20/01
Lousada, Olivia:
“In the Therapeutic Theatre Reality and Illusion are one”, 8/09
Editorial, 8/09
Psychodrama, 8/08
Low, Janet:
Letters, 38/03
What is the Health Professions Council (HPC)?, 38/02
Lowen, Alan:
Educational Community, 03/06
Lowen, Alexander:
Talks to the Editor, 03/10
Lown, Judy:
A Weekend Excursion, 26/06
Lude, Jochen:
The Chiron Centre for Holistic Psychotherapy, 21/03
Lumma, Klaus:
‘Problem Solving in a Counselling Group’, 05/07
The Growth of a German Centre for Educreation—Training and Therapy, 04/02
Lunn, Pam:
Letters to the editor, 04/10
Lussier, John:
Book Reviews, 16/03
John Rowan on Men and the Male Psyche, 42/03-04
News Interchange, 43/2
Lykou, Sissy:
Introducing a New Feature: The Humanistic News Interchange, 40/04
News Interchange, 41/04
News interchange, 45/1
Lynnot, Kay:
Letters, 24/04
Lyon, Nina:
Nietzschean modes of gender construction in a post-feminist age, 44/3
MA, Ruth Williams:
Jungian analysis and humanistic psychotherapy: critical connections – past, present and future, 43/3
MacKenzie, James:
AHP Conference Reports, 21/06
MacKenzie, Kate Williams:
Circles and Boundaries: Inspired to work with Symbol, 34/04
MacLeod, Anna:
Letters, 22/06
Macey, Joanna:
Interviewed by John Rowan, 11/05
Mackenzie, James:
An Ordinary Punter's View of the AHP Conference, September 1992, 20/04
David Jones: Obituary and memoires, 33/01
Mackessy, John:
Let’s Not Get Too Physical – Psychotherapy and Ontology: Part I, 48/01
The Limits of Freedom – Psychotherapy and Ontology, Part II, 48/02
The power of negative thinking, 45/3-4
Macnamara, Barbara:
Philosophy, 25/05
Madden, Jennifer:
A Personal Perspective on the Origin of the AHPP Working Party on Core Beliefs, 26/03
Madden, Rosylyn:
My First Poem, 11/01
Maddox, Chris G.:
Alfred Adler and Trends in Neo-Adlerian Psychology, 32/02
Individual Psychology and Logotherapy: Facing the Challenge of the 21, 30/05
Reviews, 32/02
Madirolas-Rowan, Peri:
Book Reviews, 16/03
Madison, Greg:
Reluctant Researchers: Therapists in Search of a Straightforward Heartfelt Method, NL/08
Maguire, Mary:
Fast Eddy's Funeral, 21/02
Wild Will's Wedding, 22/01
Mahrer, Al:
And Alvin Mahrer Replies, 12/01
Letters, 25/05
Maidman, Jennifer:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
Editorial, 41/01
Introduction to the symposium, 44/3
New Departures for Self and Society, 39/02
Retro Review Classic, 40/04
Self and Society's 40th Birthday, 40/01
State Regulation: a fork in the road?, 38/01
The New Editors—Some Leading Thoughts, 39/03
Transgender emergence: therapeutic guidelines for working with gender variant people and their families, 44/3
‘How Humanistic Psychology Has Changed My Life’ – II, NL/02
Mair, Miller:
Book Reviews, 17/04
Maker, Jackie:
Getting Rid of Mother, 22/05
Malcolmson, Jane:
The Astrological Birth Chart, 7/04
Malone, Peter:
Metta, Jesus MGM, 28/02
Manné, Joy:
Letters, 24/01
Reviews, 27/01
Tributes to Vivienne Silver Leigh:, 35/01
Manne, Joy:
Reviews, 25/04
When Consciousness looks at ITSELF: the Shamanism pattern, 30/06
Manor, Oded:
The How Before the What, 06/11
Mansi, Sue:
Psychotherapy as Skilful Means, 25/03
Mantel, Hilary:
Reviews, 31/03
Marcetti, Alvin:
Reviews, 31/01
Margison, Frank:
Psychotherapy in the National Health Service: Registration and Employment, 26/06
Marks, David Blagden:
Obituary, 06/12
Marksteiner, Pauline:
Oasis – a support group for living creatively, 46/01
Marsh, June:
In the Flow, 06/06
Long Ways for as Many as Will, 06/06
Marshall, Nicky:
Reviews, 32/04
Martin, Brian:
Experts, Establishments and Learning from Struggle, NL/07
Martin, Clare:
Letters, 23/02
Martin, Lynn:
On integrative psychotherapy, 43/3
Martini-Brown, Margherita:
A Follow Up of ed & Joanna Eichel's Group at the Last Chichester Conference, 06/10
Two Weeks in a Factory, 06/01
Mason, John:
Reflections on the first year of a critical psychotherapy supervision collective, 45/1
Massarik, Fred:
Letters, 21/04
Masselos, Mary:
The Healing Power of Musical Tones, 19/01
Masson, Keith:
Children Reflect, 25/05
Masters, Errol:
Transpersonal Astro-Psychology, 13/03
Matchett, Ted:
In the Flow, 06/06
Mathers, Dale:
Philosophy, 25/01
Return to the radical edge?, 43/3
Mathers, Douglas:
Sympathy for the Devil, 24/01
The Fantasy of ‘Cure’, 22/05
Matheson, Sheena Maclean:
Letters, 21/06
The River: A Moral Tale, 22/05
The Training and Accreditation of Psychotherapists and Counsellors, 20/03
Mathew, Marilyn:
The Experience of Training, and the Afterlife, 25/01
Matthews, Alan R.:
Letters to the Editor, 06/03
Matthews, Margli:
Biographical counselling: attending to experience, awakening to destiny, 45/1
Matthews, Mark:
1. The Independent Therapists Network, 23/02
A Touching Subject, 16/01
An Elderly Issue, 15/02
Book Beviews, 16/04
Book Review, 04/03
Book Reviews, 04/01
Consciousness, Integration and Responsibility, 03/03
Editorial, 16/01
Fed up with Feminism, 06/04
Letters to the Editor, 16/03
Making May-Day Magic, 13/02
May Day Magic, 13/03
Memories of a Meeting, 04/06
My Self and Society, 03/05
The Festival of Labour and the People's Day, 13/03
Matthews, Paul:
Words, 45/1
Maunder, Ian:
Random Thoughts on Wholeness, 04/02
Maurice, John:
The Birth of Birth Primals in Wartime Britain, 06/07
May, Elliot:
Helping students discover their own creativity through performance, 39/01
May, Jo:
Awakening, 19/01
Profile: Caer, 19/01
The Process Circle, 23/05
May, Judith:
Letters to the Editor, 13/05
Mayell, Charles:
Poem, 02/11
Mazure, Dave:
Reviews, 37/02
Mazure, David:
Touch And Its Impact In Psychotherapy, 37/02
McCarthy, James:
Agenda Conference, 11/05
McCarthy, Jenny:
Reviews, 35/02
McCausland, Marcus:
Creative Self-Development during a Practitioner/Patient relationship, 06/05
Trends in Health Care, 06/01
McCormick, Elizabeth:
The Centre for Transpersonal Psychology, 26/05
McDonagh, Mary:
Reviews, 21/01
McEwan, Ann:
An Account of a Brief Piece of Work Done by a Patient in a Hospital Group, 8/09
Editorial, 11/04
McEwen, Gretel:
A dialogue on longing, 36/03
McGavin, Barbara:
2. The 6th Focusing International Conference, 23/02
Transforming our Inner Critics: the Power of Presence, 33/02
McGill, Madeline:
Research in Industry: A Humanistic Perspective, 9/02
McGilray, Isobel:
Psychosynthesis: The customer's angle, 05/01
McGowan, Mabel:
Boundaries, 11/04
Moral Responsibility in Education, 03/04
Strategies for Survival, 14/01
Yours to Fill, 02/11
McGregor, Jane:
Reviews, 34/06
McGuire, Pete:
Professional Teacher or Professional Indoctrinator?, 01/07
McKenna, Vicki:
The Transforming Power of Illness, 25/04
McKenzie, Meg:
Letters, 22/05
Conference Reports, 43/1
McLaughlin, John:
A tribute to the legendary jazz guitarist Allan Holdsworth, NL/02
British guitarist John McLaughlin in conversation, 44/4
On Music and Spirit, 49/02
McLeod, Steve:
Self-Help and the Medical Profession, 13/06
McMinnies, Trícia:
Focusing on Power, 13/02
McMullen, Richard:
Letters to the Editor, 13/02
McNeice, Marie:
Premature Forgiving, 24/02
McNeil, Delcia:
Metaphysical Energy work & Dynamic Healing: exploring the interface of subtle energy healing and psychotherapy, 34/04
McNeilage, Alastair:
Letters, 31/02
McPhee, Ann:
Poem, 02/07
The Interview, 02/06
McVey, Lynn:
Sharing a living room: Empathy, reverie and connection, 46/02
Mcmahon, Brendan:
The Adolescent Hero in Celtic Myth, 32/01
Mead, Geoff:
A Winter's Tale; Myth, Story and Organisations, 24/06
Write for Your Life: Reflections on Writing in Bereavement, 48/02
Meador, Bruce:
The La Jolla Program, 7/11
Mearns, Dave:
Facilitator Development Institute, 04/12
Meek, Christine:
Letters, 27/03
Mehta, Bella:
An Outdoor Journey in Scotland: Wilderness Therapy, 34/06
Mehta, Jehanne:
Poem by Jehanne Mehta, NL/03
Meigs, Melinda Moore:
Introduction to Music Therapy, 19/01
Music, Meditation and Depression, 17/02
Racism, 22/06
Voicework, 20/01
The Harlot's Room—A Magic Story, 11/06
Ments, Morry van:
Using Simulation in Industrial Training, 9/02
Merrick, Bozena:
Editorial, 31/05
Interview with Bozena Merrick, 31/05
Letters, 32/01
Merrick, Roger:
Letters, 21/02
Merrington, Tom:
Questions which Disturb Me, 22/05
Merry, Tony:
Book Reviews, 19/03
Carl Rogers, 1902–1987, 15/04
Cross Cultural Communication Workshop 1986, 15/03
Cross Cultural Communications Workshop—Dublin 1985, 13/05
Education—The Humanistic Challenge, 14/06
New Right—New Resistance, 16/04
The Pagan Issue, 16/05
The Tao of Psychotherapy, 14/05
Merton, Margaret E.:
On being older and growing, 45/2
Metthews, Mark:
Mature and Mad About Ageism, 16/01
Mey, Harald:
Book Review, 01/01
Michaud, Suzanne:
Book Reviews, 12/01
Michell, John:
Advice on Voices, 17/04
Mickleburgh, Sue:
AHP Page, 23/05
The AHP Page, 24/01
The AHP/AHPP Pages, 23/06
Mikdadi, Faysal:
Book Review: 'The Dangerous Book' by Jay Ramsay, NL/03
From ‘As I Sat Alone’, 45/2
Learning and Education as if Our Humanity Mattered: Some Personal Reflections, NL/04
Poem: 'Red Patch', 48/02
Poem: 'The Swallow with the Injured Wing', 49/01
Poetry by Faysal Mikdadi and Susan Walpole, NL/05
REVIEW ESSAY: Beneath the Sky (Pushing Back to Ofsted), NL/05
REVIEW ESSAY: Reason Undone by Passion, NL/06
Review essay: 'The Age of Surveillance Capitalism' by Shoshana Zuboff, 49/01
Breathing earth, 43/2
For one who wants to write, 43/2
Millar, Anthea:
Socratic Dialogue and Adlerian Therapy, 32/02
Millar, Beatrice:
Book Reviews, 40/01
Millar, Gabriel:
A Rumi Retreat with Andrew Harvey, NL/01
Coherent, 40/01
Poetry Book Review: Julian Nangle, Poppy, NL/03
The Fool, 40/01
We Will Not Say a Word, 40/01
Millar, Gerrie:
Part Three: Student Perspectives, 31/01
Millard, Lorraine:
Children and Spirituality, 31/05
Miller, Eric J.:
A Comment on John Rowan's Comment Above, 12/02
Letters to the Editor, 12/04
Miller, Maureen:
Evolving Aspects of Person-Centered Workshop, 06/02
Mills, Janet:
Lighting Fires in an Organisation, 9/02
Milne, Aileen:
Young People and Recreational Drugs, 27/01
Milner, Edwina:
Physical Pain and Humanistic Psychology, 25/04
Milroy, V.:
Editorial, 01/02
Milroy, Vivian:
A Cure for Cancer and a Way of Life, 05/07
AHP Activities, 04/10
About the AHP, 05/08
Al Pesso Talking, 02/10
Alternative Therapies, 01/08
Arica Rides Again, 04/09
Bates System of Eyesight Improvement, 03/11
Book Review, 03/07
Book Reviews, 11/03
Campaign for the Legalisation of Cannabis, 28/06
Carl Rogers in London, 11/06
Diary of Disaster (Micro), 04/12
Duologue, 04/08
EAHP: A Rebirth Une Renaissance Wiedergeburt, 7/07
Editorial, 17/03
Education and Humanistic Psychology, 01/07
Feedback, 03/06
First Editorial, 37/04
Gabrielle Roth talks and dances, 03/02
Gestalt Therapy, 01/02
Group Leaders' Meeting, 7/09
Hubris, 37/04
I-Thou-On not reading Martin Buber, 8/06
Interview with Nadine Scott, 02/05
Jacob Stattman talking, 02/09
Mari Kuttna, 11/04
Meditation—Many paths, 8/08
On Not Doing, 19/06
Peace Isn't Just ‘Out There’, 11/05
Reviews, 22/01
Self & Society is Born, 37/04
Self & Society's First Editorial, 22/01
Spirituality-The Judeo-Christian Tradition, 10/03
Stream of Life, 37/04
Symbols and Symbolism, 06/06
The Dying of the Old Year and the Birth Pangs and Hopes of the New, 9/06
The Journal of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology, 17/04
The Macgregor Therapy and Beyond, 13/06
The Nightmare, 05/02
The Pagan Issue, 16/05
The Work of Carl Rogers, 7/12
Y, 37/04
You Value Me and I Value You, 03/08
Minett, Gunnel:
Reviews, 30/06
Misuse, Geoff Lamb Lecturer in Substance:
Reviews, 34/06
Moden, Gilly:
The Rebirthing Process, 20/02
Moloney, Paul:
The Self & Society interview: ‘If the American masses have been brainwashed, they have done the laundry themselves’ – an interview with Professor Bill Epstein, 45/3-4
Montgomery, Michael R.:
Existential Psychotherapy and Counselling after Postmodernism: The selected works of Del Loewenthal, 47/01
INTERVIEW-DIALOGUE: Why Black Lives Matter: Power, Privilege and Patriarchy?, NL/06
Moon, Lyndsey:
Retro Review Classic, 40/01
Moore, Barbara:
For Humanistic Psychology—a reply, 02/11
Moore, Dermod:
Queer Spirit, 33/03
Moore, Eileen:
Love Sonnet, 15/05
Moore, James:
Open letter from Professor John Read & 30 others to the Secretary of State for Health – ‘Ethical, Professional and Scientific Standards of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’, NL/01
Moore, John:
Forecast, 8/08
Nice not to have known you, 10/03
Teachers and Self-esteem, 25/05
Moran, Jamie:
Beyond Intellect, 23/01
Moreira, Virginia:
Merleau-Ponty and the Experience of Anxiety in Humanistic Phenomenological Psychotherapy, 41/03
Morgan, Barbara:
Being a Representative in Family Constellations, 33/04
Morgan, Irene:
Letters to the Editor, 8/01
Morgan, Lynne:
Women and Spirituality, 15/01
Morgan, Philippa:
Not the AHP Conference, 21/06
Morgan, Stuart:
Old and new disorders, 43/3
Morgan, Surbala:
Contact, 22/01
Letters, 24/03
Striking at Heads, 23/01
Morgan, Surbala V.L.:
Bonsai Child, 21/03
Morgan-Ayres, Stuart:
Stuart’s political diary, 44/4
The Ethics and Practicality of Compulsory Therapy, 42/01-02
Capital in the Twenty-first Century, 44/1
Stuart's political diary, 43/2
Morgan-Ayrs, Richard House and Stuart:
Guest Editorial, 46/02
Morgan-Ayrs, Stuart:
Beyond self-help, 44/2
Political Column, 46/01
Stuart's political diary, 43/3
Stuart’s political diary, 44/3
Stuart’s Political Column, NL/05
Stuart’s Political Diary, July 2020, 48/01
Morrell, Jane:
Contemporary funeral rituals, 36/02
Morris, Tony:
AHP(B) Chair's Page, 34/05
AHP(B) page, 31/06
David Jones: Obituary and memoires, 33/01
Ethical PRACTICE issues, 31/02
Handling Counselling Complaints Through Mediation, 29/01
Letters, 23/03
Polarities and Wholeness, 28/06
Profile, 28/01
Reviews, 30/02
The regular COLUMN, 30/01
Morrison, Crysse:
Skyros Magic, 33/01
Morrison, Jeanette:
Reviews, 24/06
Morrison, L.:
“The Dark One”, 11/04
Morrison, Linda:
Letters to the Editor, 7/12
Morrison, Paul:
Pregnant Fatherhood, 04/11
Morrs, Tony:
AHP(B) page, 32/06
Mortell, Pat:
Letters to the Editor, 06/10
Mosley, Fran:
Book Reviews, 19/05
Editorial, 25/02
Going on a Course, 19/04
Magic, Power and Consciousness, 19/02
Mud, rain and the flow, 35/03
Reviews, 20/04
Sex and Gender Page Dishy, 19/06
Mosley, Frances:
Book Reviews, 19/05
Mosley, Jenny:
Forgiveness, or ‘It's when you come in fresh, Miss.’, 32/06
Moth, Rich:
‘Closing the Gap’ TUC conference, Salford, 29 April 2016: Mental health beyond austerity: a ‘mental wealth’ approach to post-austerity policy-making, 44/4
Mouladoudis, Grigoris:
Reviews, 30/01
Moune, Olivia:
Poetry by Olivia Moune, NL/05
Mountford, Clive Perraton:
Dr Rogers and the Rebellious Right Arm, 34/02
Dr. Rogers and The Moral Umbrella: Open-Centred Ecosophy, 33/05
Dr. Rogers and the Lego Spaceship (Towards a Teachable Focusing-Oriented Person-Centred Theory), 36/05
What a Tangled Web We Weave: Contextualizing Debate about ‘Reparative Therapy’?, 42/01-02
Mowat, Brigitta:
AHP Co-chairs' Page, 41/02
Climate Change on the Couch: How Psychotherapy Can Respond to the Climate and Ecological Emergency – and Why It Should, NL/08
How Integrative Psychotherapy Can Address the Anthropocene Crisis, NL/06
Rejoinder to Guy Gladstone’s Commentary on ‘Climate Change on the Couch’, 50/1-2
Reviews, 38/03
Mowat, Hannah L.:
The Age of Stupid (2009), 37/02
Mowbray, Richard:
Book Reviews, 19/05
Letters, 25/03
No, They Don't!, 22/05
Primal Integration… Reflections on Practice, 15/02
Registering Humanistic Psychology and the Case for a Flat Earth, 24/03
SAFAA is Safer, 23/06
The Birth Metaphor in Primal Integration, 39/04
Muhleisen, Wencke:
Talks to VIVIAN MILROY, 9/06
Muller, Robert:
Song, 14/02
Mulligan, John:
IDHP Philosophy and Values, 19/04
Mummery, Graham:
Book Review: 'ImageWork: The Complete Guide to Working with Transformational Imagery' by Dina Glouberman, 50/1-2
Book review – Love, Madness and Transformation, NL/02
Conference review by Graham Mummery: ‘Love, Madness and Transformation’, AHPb annual conference, June 2018, NL/01
POETRY by Graham Mummery, NL/06
Poetry by Graham Mummery, NL/02
Munn, Trish:
Pitching your Tent in the Desert, 30/04
The Body as Lover, 29/03
The Importance of Silence, 28/04
Munt, Stephen:
Letters to the Editors, 41/01
Murgatroyd, Steve:
Are We Disabling?, 04/12
Experiential Learning and the Person, 10/04
Letters to the editor, 03/03
On Teaching Humanistic Psychology, 8/08
Personal Crises and Reversals, 9/05
Reversal Theory and Humanistic Psychology, 9/05
Reversal Theory: A Critique of John Rowan's Critique, 9/05
Murphy, David:
Editorial, 39/03
Guest Foreword, 41/02
Open Letter: Fighting to save counsellor education, 44/1
Retro Review Classics, 42/03-04
Murphy, Katherine:
Origins, History, People and Courses, 19/03
Murphy, Marilyn H.:
Growth in Hypnosis, 06/08
Growth in the Group; An Experiential Gestalt Viewpoint, 06/09
Murray, Gordon:
Book Reviews, 06/07
Musgrave, Arthur:
Beyond the Need for Defensive Practice: Combining Creativity and Accountability with the Best Interests of Clients, 40/01
Reviews, 32/04
The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy's 2014 Consultation on Ethics: Blog Extracts, 42/01-02
Why join IPN?, 32/04
Nagel, DeeAnna:
Appreciating Cyberculture and the Virtual Self Within, 40/03
Nagle, Julian:
Letters to the Editor, 19/05
Reviews, 25/03
Circles, 43/2
Nangle, Anna:
Chi Kung—energy for life, 35/03
Nangle, Julian:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
A Moment in Time – Boarding School, 46/02
A personal exploration of desire and responsibility or how best to avoid tearing one's hair out while organising an AHPB Conference, Festival and AGM!, 36/01
AHP AGM 2011, 39/02
AHP Conference Reports, 21/06
AHP/AHPP Conference Reports, 22/06
Adoption and Therapy, 22/04
Anthony Naumann, ‘Equivocation’, with a commentary, 41/01
Consciousness, 36/03
Dreams, 24/03
Early Man, 38/01
Exploring Aloneness, 26/06
Fear and Self-Image, 25/01
Festival 2008 Update, 35/05
Letters, 37/01
Letters to the Editors, 39/04
Meditation, 23/05
Musical chairs, 44/4
Organising the summer festival, 35/03
POETRY REVIEW: Brian Thorne’s Purple Vestments, 49/02
Poem by Julian Nangle, NL/03
Poem: 'Fear', NL/04
Poem: 'Love', NL/04
Poem: 'They Cannot Come Back', 50/1-2
Poetry Review: Edward Boyne’s The Day of the Three Swans, NL/08
Poetry Reviews, 40/01
Poetry by Julian Nangle, NL/10
Poetry review: The Testimony of the Trees, by Lynne Wycherley, NL/02
Poetry – by Julian Nangle, NL/07
Repetitive Patterns, 25/03
Reviews, 25/06
Shut up and lick your lollipop: a personal view of Alan Watts, 43/3
The AHPB Summer Festivals - 2008 and 2009, 36/04
The Dog and I (for Molly), 40/03
The Regular COLUMN, 34/06
The festival calls…, 35/06
Thinking about Ethics, 22/01
To be old, 45/2
Turning, 40/03
Witness as Beacon: The anatomy of a projection, 26/04
Nash, Patrick:
The Work of The Teacher Support Network, 32/06
Nash, Seamus:
Book Review: Implausible Professions (2nd edn), edited by Richard House and Nick Totton, NL/01
Retro Review Classics, 41/02
What Does it Mean to be Person-Centred?: Researching Practitioners' Understandings, 34/03
Naydler, Jeremy:
The Advent of the Wearable Computer, 40/03
Neal, Charles:
Queer in the Head?, 21/01
Reviews, 39/03
Self AND Society—can we enjoy both?, 33/03
Nell, Pamela:
Letters to the Editor, 14/04
Education and Humanistic Psychology, 01/07
Neville, Stephen:
Healthy Pacific grandparents: a participatory action research project exploring ageing well among Pacific people in New Zealand, 45/2
Newell, Carol:
Letters, 25/03
Newman, Charles:
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, 15/05
Newnes, Craig:
For David Smail (1938–2014), 42/01-02
Nichol, James:
Letters to the Editor, 19/01
Nicholls, Rob:
When things fall apart, 44/1
Nicholson, Jenny:
The IDHP is renewing itself, 39/03
Nicolson, Chris:
Educating Craftsmen—Entrepreneurs self, business and society, 8/06
Nicolson, Paula:
Post Natal Depression, 16/06
Nippoda, Yuko:
A participant's experience, 31/03
Petruska Clarkson, 34/02
Noak, Hans:
The Problem of Language in Training Groups, 02/11
Nobus, Dany:
Letters, 28/05
Psychoanalysis vs Humanistic Therapy: A Plea for Inhumanity, 28/03
Norman, Carrie:
Letters, 28/04
Norman, Frank:
Reconnecting With Ourselves Through Group Process, 35/05
North, Joanna:
Aren't Children Worth It?, 27/01
Eating and Self Worth, 21/06
Getting to Know Saddama, 21/01
North, Maria:
Healing and Psychotherapy—a Personal Integration, 35/02
Seeing Things: Therapists' Altered Visual Perceptions, 35/02
Nottage, Drue:
Letters, 25/03
Novakovic, Margaret:
Humanistic Psychology in Russia, 20/02
Reviews, 24/04
Nutall, John:
Letters, 34/01
Nygate, John:
Book Reviews, 10/06
O'Callaghan, Mary:
Changing Archetypes: from The Virgin Mary to the Celtic Tiger, 31/04
O'Dwyer, Kathleen:
Can we learn how to love? An Exploration of Erich Fromm's The Art of Loving’, 39/02
O'Hara, Maureen Miller:
The Hundredth Humanistic Psychologist, 12/03
O'Men, Willow:
Woman's Right to Choose, 04/10
O'Regan, Miceal:
PSYCHOSYNTHESIS a Model of Faith and Hope, 15/01
Oakman, Michelle:
Intimacy and psychotherapy: a bcpc student's view, 35/06
Ockwell, Jenny:
Stuck, 8/09
Officer, Walter Gibson Ethics:
Letters, 23/06
Oldfield, Richard:
New Vision for Mental Health (NVMH) – an Ecological Paradigm, 48/01
Oliver, Rosamund:
Letters, 25/02
Psychology East and West: An Interview with Eve Jackson, 25/03
Psychotherapy as a Spiritual Journey, 24/04
Reviews, 24/05
Wisdom from the Dragon's Nest, 25/01
Ooijen, Els Van:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
Ooijen, Els van:
Moment to Moment, 26/06
Reviews, 35/05
Oosthuizen, Corinne:
Agape, 30/02
Openshaw, Pamela:
My Father's Death at Home, 22/03
Orbach, Susie:
I. Growing up with a Giant, 41/04
Politics and Psychotherapy: The Private and Public Domain, 22/03
Orchard, A.:
Myself, education and change, 02/06
Orr, Leonard:
From: How to Feel Reborn (1985), 20/02
The Story of Rebirthing, 20/02
Orr, Marjorie:
‘False Memory’ Syndrome, 23/03
Orton, Sue:
AHPB Board Biog, 35/05
AHPB Co-chairs' Page, 37/02
Dancing on moving ground, 37/01
Editorial, 39/01
Exploring action methods for personal and professional development, 39/01
Mouse talk…, 36/03
Reviews, 35/06
Osborn, Thom:
Humanistic Psychology at the Polytechnic of North London and the SW London College in the 1970s, 41/01
Osborn, Tom:
Letters to the editor, 03/02
More about who I am responsible for, 03/09
Planning a Student-Directed Learning Programme, 12/04
Planning a student-directed learning programme, 7/06
The British Experience, 04/08
The Question of Peer-Assessment, 12/04
Who am I responsible for?, 02/12
Osborne, Beth:
An Integrative Training, 25/05
Osborne, Kate:
Book Reviews, 15/06
Ostdiek, Gerald:
Alan Watts and secular competence in religious praxis, 45/3-4
Owen, Dorota:
Circle of One, 32/06
Owen, Ian R:
Therapeutic Hypnosis, 17/01
Owen, Nick:
Book Review, 03/07
Cassandra, 04/09
Drama Therapy, 04/05
Further Thoughts on Transference, 7/05
Letters to the editor, 04/10
Owen, W.N.:
Personal Change through Encounter, 02/04
Owens, Patti:
Benign Revelation: Writing about work with clients, 35/01
Humanistic Therapy Contracts—Good for Clients and Therapists?, 34/05
The Humanistic Scientist: An Appreciation of the Work of Daniel N. Stern, 40/03
Oxford, Clive:
Letters, 25/03
O’Hara, Maureen:
Personhood at the edge of civilizational shift, 46/02
Page, Denys J.:
Meditation and Creativity, 04/11
Page, Louise:
Festival/Camp/Conference, 35/03
Page, Steve:
Book Reviews, 19/04
Peer Group Accreditation of Psychotherapists, 19/02
Palmer, Emma:
THE LONG INTERVIEW: A Therapeutic and Spiritual Journey?, 48/02
Palmer, Greta:
And Their Swords shall be Made into Plough-Shares, 15/03
Depression Anger and Red Faces, 15/05
On Depression and Anger, 15/03
Reflections on the AHPP Conference, 16/02
The Long Word, 11/01
Palmer, Helen:
What Type is She?, 21/02
Palmer, Jane:
Boarding School: a place of privilege or sanctioned persecution?, 33/05
Palmer, Shirley:
School Improvement From Within, 32/06
Pankhurst, R. M.:
The Meditation Game, 14/03
Pankhurst, Richard:
In and out of the Stream, 15/03
Panvel, Barbara:
Review of 'A Future World Is Possible' by John McDonnell, NL/03
Park, James:
A Campaign for Emotional Literacy, 26/01
Parker, Ian:
Method in madness, 43/3
Parkinson, Vicky:
The National Counselling Society’s Open Letter on Developing ‘Generic Standards’ for the UK’s Psychological Therapies, NL/01
Parlett, Malcolm:
Ursula by Gaie Houston, 44/4
Parr, Fiona:
Wholebody Focusing, 33/02
Parrot, I.:
Pain, 8/08
Parsloe, Sally:
Reflections on the first year of a critical psychotherapy supervision collective, 45/1
Parsons, Kathy:
Editorial, 30/04
Pascarelli, Vincenzo:
Letters to the Editor, 12/06
Paterson, Janis:
Healthy Pacific grandparents: a participatory action research project exploring ageing well among Pacific people in New Zealand, 45/2
Patman, Sue:
Chaos and Rebirth, 11/03
Childhood and the Unconscious, 11/01
The Creative Use of Pain, Crisis and Failure, 9/06
The Lower Unconscious, 11/02
Paton, Keith:
Crisis and Renewal, 02/02
Patten, Brian:
For Harry, 39/02
Paul, Stephen:
The Laisteridge Centre, 06/11
Payne, George C.F.:
Ethnomethodology in the Classroom, 04/02
Payne, Helen:
Authentic Movement, Groups and Psychotherapy, 31/02
Letters, 26/03
Payne, Niravi B.:
The Power of the Mind/Body Connection to Conception, 30/03
Being-in-the-world, again Existentialism: an introduction, 43/1
Pearce, Keith:
Conference News, 19/04
Letters, 25/03
The Independent Practitioners Network: An Introduction, 32/04
Pearce, Peter:
Forty Years on from Rogers' APA Address, ‘Some New Challenges for the Helping Professions’, 41/02
Peart, Annie:
Stockton Psychotherapy Training Institute, 23/03
Peccei, Aurelio:
Human Beings at the Crossroads, 7/08
Pegg, Mike:
Doing what comes naturally, 03/09
Pegg, Pag:
Doing what comes naturally, 03/09
Pegg, Pat:
Book Reviews, 03/08
Peltz, Liz:
Liz Peltz Celebrates 21 Years of Friends of the Earth, 20/04
Pendlebury, Roz:
The Complete Gay and Lesbian Parenting Guide & For Lesbian Parents, 33/03
Penney, Mike:
Book Reviews, 19/02
Penny, Anthony:
Reactivation of Infant Mechanisms, 11/03
Talepiece, 10/05
Pepper, Jenny:
What is IDHP?, 19/04
Mindful and existential Mindful counselling and psychotherapy: practising mindfully across approaches and issues, 43/1
Perkins, Rachel:
Anti-Lesbianism in the British Psychological Society, 21/01
Letters, 26/01
Perry, Mike:
Book Reviews, 19/03
Perryman, K.A.:
Which Way and Proximity, 44/3
Persons, Roy:
Reflections on Community, 05/08
Pervoltz, Rainer:
The Chiron Centre for Holistic Psychotherapy, 21/03
Pesso, Albert:
Al Pesso Talking, 02/10
Peterson, V.:
John Rowan's “Next-Step-Ness” and the Intensive Journal Process, 10/03
Petzold, Hilarion:
Homosexuality and Gestalt Therapy, 12/06
Petzold, Hilarion G.:
Gestalt Therapy with the Dying Patient, 9/01
Philippson, Peter:
Paul Goodman and the Gestalt theory of self, 44/4
Phillips, Angela:
Boys Will Be Men, 23/04
Pickard, Kevin:
Letters, 24/01
Myths of Being a Counsellor, 24/05
Pickering, Adele:
Reparenting, 10/06
Pietroni, Patrick:
KEY VERBATIM EXCERPTS FROM: Mental Health's Market Experiment: Commissioning Psychological Therapies through Any Qualified Provider, 42/01-02
Piohtee, Susana:
Me Jane, You Tarzan: gender and its relevance to transforming democracy, 34/01
Occupied by Love—a Human Metamorphosis? Some Thoughts on the Psy Relevance of the Occupy Movement, 41/04
Piohtee, Susanna:
The Independent Practitioners Network: An Introduction, 32/04
The Role of the Independent Practitioners Network as a ‘Systems Buster’, 32/04
Pirani, Alix:
‘Creative Relations in Secondary Education’, 03/05
A Psychotherapist by Any Other Name, 23/06
A Psychotherapist by any other Name…, 10/04
AHP Activities, 03/03
Caring-Enough Mothers, 21/05
Dreams, the Tavistock Institute, and the White Hotel, 11/02
Editorial, 15/01
Frank Lake 1915–1982, 10/04
Holding and Letting Go: the Creative Process, 10/06
Letters, 30/01
London, 04/09
Mothers—Absent and Present, 21/S1
Nativity, 15/01
New Age and Old Age, 22/04
Ord International Summer School: Arundel, 1974, 02/10
Poem, 03/02
Politics, psychotherapy and the soul, 27/04
Psychotherapy, Women, and the Feminine in Judaism, 14/05
Rebirth, 7/06
Rebirth and the Growth Movement, 06/07
Rebirth—The Quintessential Creative Process, 06/07
Resources Programme for Change in Teaching, 01/07
Self Renewal and the British AHP, 05/09
Shelf Life, 30/02
The Death of Diana, 25/05
The Mirroring—not by Harold Pinter, 30/05
The Political Psyche, 22/02
Thirty years after Orwell…. The animal potential movement, 06/05
Two Diversions, 10/01
Wandering Jew, 9/06
Pitt, Joy:
A Storyteller's Story, 36/04
Pitt, Michelle:
Changing the Culture of 9M, 32/07
Pocock, Christine:
All Write, 7/08
Dream Adaptation, 8/07
Guru Freak en Route to the Madhouse, 7/12
notes from the madhouse, 7/09
suicide not, 7/10
Pokorny, Michael R.:
The United Kingdom Standing Conference for Psychotherapy (UKSCP)—The Psychotherapy Register, 20/04
Polak, David:
I, 37/03
Pollard, John:
Depressive Realism: an existential response, 44/2
Pollecoff, Martin:
AHP Chair's Page, 42/01-02
AHP Co-chair's Page, 41/04
AHP Co-chairs' Page, 41/03
On John Lees' The Future of Psychological Therapy, 44/4
The Long Boat Home, 37/01
Pollett, P.S.R.:
Letter to the Editor, 11/03
Ponsford, Chip:
Occupy: Reflections on my experience as one of the many practitioners who became part of the welfare support group at St Paul's, October 2011, 41/04
Pope, Michael:
Letters, 22/03
Popkin, Jen:
Letters, 27/02
Letters to the Editor, 20/02
Reviews, 21/03
Porteous, Debbie:
‘Closing the Gap’ TUC conference, Salford, 29 April 2016: Mental health beyond austerity: a ‘mental wealth’ approach to post-austerity policy-making, 44/4
Porter, David:
A Healthy Anger, 03/10
A Healthy Effeminacy, 04/06
Gay Self-Oppression, 04/10
Gays and the Script Vacuum, 12/02
Letters to the editor, 04/10
The Value of Nudity, 7/02
Three Gay Scripts, 05/10
Translating Sarcasm, 10/01
Posey, June:
A Tangential Relationship, 05/05
Glyn Seaborn-Jones, 05/06
Travels with Morgana, 06/05
Postle, Denis:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
Cancel Culture: ‘Woke’, Yes – but Not ‘Woke’ Enough?, 49/02
Films on Climate Change, NL/03
Glacier Reaches Edge of Town, 23/06
It's Our Bomb, 11/05
Kite Flyers Convention Meets: The BACP Reference Group, 22 June 2011, 39/04
Letters, 25/02
Letting the Heart Sing / Bringing about Change: Adaptors and Innovators in the Work of Michael Kirton, NL/07
New Language for New Times Moving to post-professional Practice, 38/01
Registering Human Nature, 27/06
Statutory Registration: A Response to Digby Tantam, 25/02
The End of Progress, 49/01
The Independent Practitioners Network: An Introduction, 32/04
The Psychotherapy Bill, 27/06
Validity in the psychological therapies: why love provides a better benchmark than science, 36/01
What is IDHP?, 19/04
Postle, Elmer:
Conference Report: The Process behind the conference ‘Pregnancy and Birth, NL/07
Potts, David:
Discussion methods for learning, 03/01
Potts, Jim:
Poetry By Jim Potts, NL/08
Powell, Andrew:
Consciousness that Transcends Spacetime, 31/04
Power, Richenda:
Book Reviews, 7/12
Naturopathy, 12/01
Powles, Jean:
Born Happy, 06/07
Praed, Max:
A Group Experience, 02/01
A model of life and death, 03/02
Fathers and Buddhas, 05/07
Good Groups, Bad Groups, 05/09
Labelling, 02/09
Letter to the editor, 03/05
The Consultant's Role, 02/03
Pransky, George:
The Velvet Steamroller, 06/10
Preisler, Lee:
Lessons with Leonard, 20/04
Will Grossman Talks to the Editor, 05/07
Prentice, Hilary:
The Psychological State of the Species, 27/03
Priestly, Mary:
Music Therapy and Love, 15/06
We the human animals: exploring an embodied, relational and wild approach to therapy, 43/2
Prina, Paola:
A History of the Adlerian Society (UK), 32/02
Prison, Styal:
Letters to the Editor, 14/03
Pritzker, Steven:
Creativity in the Evolution of Humanistic Psychology, 40/01
Proctor, Gillian:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
Editorial, 45/2
Remembering Peter Schmid, NL/06
Retro Review Classics, 41/02
The Gillian Proctor Column, NL/06
The Gillian Proctor column, 48/01
Prudence, E.F.:
Know the Game: Honesty, 05/04
Puddy, Jane M.:
In someone else's shoes am I until I Find my own …, 8/09
Purkiss, Jane:
New Approaches to Living with Loss and Separation, 35/04
The Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling (bcpc), 35/04
Confessions of a mind-wandering MBSR student: remembering social amnesia, 43/1
Pyatt, Ron:
Rites of passage for men, 27/05
Quennell, Jocelyne:
The Dawn of a New Era—Statutory Regulation for Psychological Therapies, 38/02
Radburn, Barbara:
Reviews, 23/05
Radermacher, Lindsay:
The Faculty of Astrological Studies, 21/02
Raftery, John M.:
Book Review, 03/09
Metapathologies of the Educational Ethic: A Humanistic Critique, 03/05
Personal Growth and Human needs in Late Industrialism: Hieratic Pyramid or Vicious Circle?, 7/03
Raido, Clare:
Non-Directivity: A Quality of Relationship, 34/03
Rainbow, Brian:
Book Reviews, 10/04
Rainwater, Martin:
Letters to the Editor, 13/01
Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree:
The Tower of Spirit, 03/08
Therapy is a Function of Love, 7/09
Ramsay, Jay:
Bee Lines, 40/03
Grit and Pearl, NL/01
Poem: 'The Bells', NL/01
Poetry from the late Jay Ramsay, NL/02
The Heart’s Journey, NL/02
Ransley, Hugh:
Zazen and Person-centered Psychotherapy: Deepening the Relationship to Self, 36/04
Rapp, Hilde:
Book Reviews, 13/02
Development through Diversity, 23/06
From Integrity to Social Representation, 22/01
Integration, Intention, Dialogue and Difference, 24/03
Letters, 27/01
Petruska Clarkson, 34/02
Rathor, Skeena:
A Mini-Symposium on Climate Emergency and Extinction Rebellion, NL/02
INTERVIEW-DIALOGUE: Co-liberation – Journeying for a New Worldview, beyond Patriarchy and Materialism, 49/01
Skeena’s Column, 50/1-2
Rawlings, Barbara:
Confrontation in the Therapeutic Community-An Analytical Approach, 06/03
Raymont, Debbie:
A Look Back into Childhood, 25/05
Rayner, Rosemary:
Poem, 03/11
Read, Howard:
Book Beviews, 16/04
Read, Jane:
Self-Directed Learning at South West London Counselling Courses, 12/04
Read, Jenny:
An Illness in my Thinking, 04/04
Read, Rupert:
John Heaton (1925–2017) – A personal-philosophical recollection, 45/3-4
Reader, R.D.:
Counsellor, 06/12
Reason, Peter:
A Co-Operative Selection Process for a Peer Learning Community, 10/03
Celebrating a Great Life: John Heron (1928–2022): A Symposium, NL/09
Group Work Training for Social Workers, 06/11
John Rowan, 42/03-04
Rebillot, Paul:
The Hero's Journey, 7/04
Therapeutic Fads—What's Popular? vs What's True?, 24/02
Reddy, Michael:
How does T. A. deal with feelings, 05/10
T. A. Where it started, 05/10
Transactional Analysis, 01/08
Regina, Elizabeth:
Competition Result, 21/02
Reiss, Gary:
Coma Work, 32/01
Reynolds, Alun:
Longing and Family Constellation Work, 36/03
Reynolds, John:
Some comments on ‘Humanistic Psychology in a Consultative Role’, 9/04
The Lie in SteppenWolf (1), 9/04
Reynolds, John G.:
Social Transactions and the Nature of Self, 9/01
Ribbons, Laura:
Chiron—The Bridge between Personality and Soul, 21/02
Reviews, 23/04
Aids from Africa: Science or Science Fiction, 19/06
Richards, Barry:
Against Humanistic Psychology, 02/08
Richards, Ruth:
Creativity in the Evolution of Humanistic Psychology, 40/01
Richards, Val:
The Squiggle Foundation, 26/01
Richardson, Tom:
Becoming a Man, 8/08
Rickards, Teresa:
Letter to the Editor, 11/05
Ridder-Patrick, Jane:
Reviews, 22/05
Ridgeway, Roy:
Letters, 27/04
Ridgway, Roy:
Alfred Adler Remembered, 24/06
Articulating Grief, 22/01
Everything is history, 03/01
Letters to the Editor, 06/05
Pages from My Past, 27/06
Rhythm and Reciprocal Maintenance, 02/11
Shaw and the Life Force, 04/04
The Reality of the Other Person, 05/09
The Sparsholt Centre, 7/01
Wanted—A New Way of Thinking, 16/03
Ridpath, John:
Depression, 16/06
Don't Just do Something—Sit There, 17/02
Dying on a retirement estate—or not, 36/02
Letters, 21/06
Letters to the Editor, 7/09
Meditation and Regression, 15/06
Stream of Life, 26/06
Rimmington, Mike:
EAHP: A Rebirth Une Renaissance Wiedergeburt, 7/07
Rinpoche, Ven. Lama Sogyal:
The Survival of Consciousness, 16/01
Ritter, Sandie:
Book Reviews, 20/02
The AHPP Page, 21/02
Viktor Frankl (26th March 1905–2nd September 1997), 25/05
What Type is She?, 21/02
Roach, Tim:
Book Reviews, 16/03
Robbie, Eric:
Where Janov is Wrong, 05/06
Roberts, Alison:
Some thoughts on Kenneth Gray's Article Wo/man: Species, Individual and Therapy, 7/06
Roberts, Ellis:
Letters, 36/02
Roberts, Jean:
Letters to the editor, 05/02
Self-Therapy Considered, 05/09
Roberts, May:
Letters to the editor, 03/03
Roberts, Peter:
Letters to the editor, 01/06
Roberts, Wendy:
Therapy: The Rediscovery of Hope, 8/07
Robertson, Chris:
Dysfunction in Training Organisations, 21/04
Gateways and Pitfalls, 24/04
Hungry Ghosts: Psychotherapy, Control and the Winds of Homecoming, 41/04
Psychological Materialism and the Ego of Psychology, 17/03
Return to the radical edge?, 43/3
Robertson, Christopher J.:
Changing the Context of Change, 14/01
Robertson, Guy:
Ageing and ageism: the impact of stereotypical attitudes on personal health and well-being outcomes and possible personal compensation strategies, 45/2
Robinson, Abigail:
Initiations into the infinite, a calling to Music-Thanatology:, 36/02
Robinson, Gavin:
How Unexpressed Grief Affects our Politics and Our World, NL/05
Political hegemony: a Marxist theory of mental illness, 45/3-4
The Power of the Soft Qualities to Transform Patriarchy, 48/02
The Trauma World We Live In, NL/10
Robinson, Jill:
Book Reviews, 12/01
Carl Rogers in London, 11/06
In Praise of Leonard Orr's Rebirthing, 12/06
Robinson, Jim:
A Philosophy of Therapy, 41/03
Book Review: Marianne Williamson, 'A Politics of Love', NL/04
How Humanistic Psychology Has Changed My Life, NL/03
Letter to the Editor, 45/1
On Depressive Realism and humanistic therapy, 44/4
On the Psychology of Conspiracy Theories, 48/02
Politics, Psychology and Spirituality, NL/05
Review of 'Your Sacred Calling: Awakening the Soul to a Spiritual Life in the 21st Century' by Richard Harvey, 46/02
Towards a New Model of Accreditation, NL/10
Robinson, Maria:
Book Reviews, 42/03-04
Robinson, Peter:
Letters to the Editor, 12/02
Robot, I.:
Computer Hints, 12/06
Rodriguez, Dyana:
Letters to the Editor, 14/05
Rodriguez, Mira Cataya:
Spiritual Awakening Experiences: A Phenomenological Study in Transpersonal Psychology, 49/02
Roger, Carl R.:
A Psychologist Looks at Nuclear War: Its Threat, its Possible Prevention, 10/05
Ethical Dialogue, 43/1
Rogers, Andy:
Absence and Presence—Carl Rogers in 2013, 41/02
Conference Reports, 41/02
Ethical Dialogue, 43/4
Ethical Dialogues, 42/03-04
Ethical Dilemmas, 40/03
Guerilla Gardening in a Post-HPC Landscape—Therapy as Principled Cultural Practice, 38/01
Review of 'The Dynamics of Power in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Ethics, Politics and Practice' (2nd edition) by Gillian Proctor, 46/02
The Ethical Dilemmas in ‘Ethical Dilemmas’, 39/04
Rogers, Brenda:
Cover Story, 17/03
Is Your Counselling Supervision Humanistic?, 24/05
Letters, 23/05
Letters to the editor, 03/02
Researching your Own Depression, 16/06
Thoughts on retirement, 27/04
Rogers, Carl:
Evolving Aspects of Person-Centered Workshop, 06/02
Rogers, Carl R.:
Evolving Aspects of Person-Centered Workshop, 06/02
The La Jolla Program, 7/11
Rogers, Natalie:
Carl's 87th Birthday, 17/03
Evolving Aspects of Person-Centered Workshop, 06/02
Express Yourself, 14/04
Rogers, Philip:
1. Is It possible to be human in an inhuman world?, 28/05
A Humanistic View of the Movies, 25/04
Letters, 27/03
Reviews, 26/03
Rogers, Pip:
Communication—Communion—Commune, 01/06
Rom, Paul:
Criminals are Discouraged Persons, 04/10
Romus, Leonard:
Diary of a Marriage, 01/04
Ronaldson, Jack:
Letters to the editor, 02/09
Roney-Dougal, Serena:
Letters to the Editor, 20/02
Meeting Points Between Humanistic Psychology and Parapsychology, 19/06
Rose, Valerie:
Group Love, 03/10
Some thoughts on RC Application, 02/01
Rose-Neal, Wendy:
Biofeedback, 03/04
Rose-Neil, Wendy:
Tyringham Clinic, 02/10
Ross, Christopher:
Psychotherapy Demystified, 01/01
Rossabi, Andrew:
Interview with Morton Schatzman, 02/02
Rossabi, C Andrew:
Interview with Morton Schatzman, 02/03
Rosser, Elizabeth:
‘And if they turn nasty, well, we can turn nasty too’, 04/06
Roszak, Theodore:
Exploring Ecopsychology, 21/02
Have We Learned Anything Important?, 21/05
Roth, Jenner:
The Story of Spectrum, 41/03
Roth, Ruth:
Ecopsychology: A matter of life and death, 26/06
Rothschild, Babette:
Controlling Empathic Imagery, 33/06
Making Trauma Therapy Safe, 27/02
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, 28/05
Rothwell, Alan:
Letters to the Editor, 10/06
Routh, Virginia:
Letters to the Editor, 14/03
Rova, Melita:
'A Glimpse of Love': The Therapist's Experience of Love in the Therapeutic Relationship, NL/05
Old Angel, 43/1
Rowan, John:
‘I Create my World’: The Grammar of Growth, 05/02
1995 Transpersonal Conference, 23/05
A Brief Comment, 12/02
A Growth Episode, 03/11
A Note on Registration, 23/06
A word about Alan Watts, 44/2
AHP Activities, 03/09
AHP Co-chairs' Page, 40/03
AHPB Co-chairs' Page, 38/01
AHPB Co-chairs' Pages, 39/01
Accreditation, 19/03
Accrediting Strangers, 25/06
Against Feelings, 13/04
Against Yin and Yang and Androgyny, 9/04
Alarms and Excursions, 23/02
Alternatives to Hierarchy, 04/11
Alvin Mahrer in London, 14th–15th June 1997, 25/04
Alvin R. Mahrer, Ph.D., 1927–2014 - some appreciations, 42/03-04
An Integrated Theory of Development, 7/04
An Open Letter to Richard Mowbray, 23/04
An aim for men, 44/3
An interesting event, 35/06
Bill Swartley, 05/06
Bioenergy: Reality or Delusion. A Reply, 11/03
Bleakley's Embrace, 17/04
Book Appreciation, 39/02
Book Beviews, 16/04
Book Review, 04/04
Book Reviews, 11/06
Can One Session Really Be Enough?, 22/06
Changing the Name of the AHP, 23/05
Co-Counselling and Primal Integration, 8/04
Codependence, 19/05
Conference News, 19/01
Conference Reports, 24/04
Conflict and Integration, 04/05
Consciousness and Experience, 25/04
Creativity, Fun and Magic, 13/03
Critique of Manu Bazzano: a rejoinder, 44/2
DAVID CHAMBERLAIN, 1928–2014—an appreciation, 42/01-02
Day on State Regulation of Therapy Organised by Confer, 37/03
Demons are Alive and Well, 23/01
Depression and the Question of Labelling, 26/05
Diagnosis, 9/04
Directions for Humanistic Psychology, 40/03
Do Therapists Ever Cure Clients?, 22/05
Do as you would be done by?, 05/08
Don't You Dare Ignore the Transpersonal!, 42/03-04
Early Days in Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology, 40/02
Early Days in the AHP, 22/01
Early Days of the AHPP, 28/02
Early Traumas—A Dialectical Approach, 17/03
Editorial, 16/02
Eleven Embarrassing Problems for Psychotherapy, 26/02
Epilogue, 16/02
Experiencing Mahrer, 11/01
Fed up with Feminism?, 8/07
Folk Psychology, 17/04
Formation of the NA(PQ)P, 24/04
Good Books on Groupwork, 25/02
Group Processes, 25/02
Hegel and Self-Actualization, 7/11
Heresy-Hunting in the AHP, 8/01
Humanistic NVQs?, 24/04
Humanistic Psychology and Human Rights: An Addendum, 10/03
Humanistic Psychology and the Revolution, 01/06
Humanistic Psychotherapy Takes a Stand, 26/02
Humanistic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, 12/02
Hypnotherapy and the Humanistic, 17/01
Impulsiveness, Control, Spontaneity, 8/06
Inner Peace and War, 11/05
Integration as Transformation, 24/03
Is the Existential Enough?, 16/02
Is the Human Potential Movements Narcissistic?, 7/07
Ken Wilber, 11/06
Letters, 22/03
Letters to the Editor, 7/03
Letters to the Editors, 40/02
Letters to the editor, 01/04
Meditation and Therapy: A Quadrant Approach, 14/01
Men's Consciousness, 06/01
New Right—New Resistance, 16/04
Nicholas Albery, 29/03
No, You can't have a Better World, 01/04
Old Saybrook 2 Conference, 28/03
On Delayed Memory, 22/03
On the Controversy about Plural Selves, 25/04
Onwards from Maslow, 01/01
Opinion: How to Study Humanistic Psychology, 41/04
Paganism, 16/05
Patriarchy, 8/07
Patriarchy: What It Is and Why Some Men Question It, 42/03-04
Personal Meanings and Psychological Life, 12/01
Politics and Ecstasy, 12/02
Politics and Growth, 8/08
Primal Integration Therapy, 15/02
Progressive Psychoanalysts, 03/03
Psychological Research Critique, 14/06
Psychology and Spirituality, 9/06
Reply to Blackler and Brown, 04/09
Research Report, 23/06
Retro Review Classics, 41/01
Reversals Theory: Critique, 9/05
Review Mini-Symposium, 42/03-04
Reviews, 25/06
Secular Humanism and Humanistic Psychology, 12/05
Self and Society, 41/01
Self-actualization and individuation, 43/3
Sex-Role Stereotyping, 05/12
Social Action and Community Development, 04/03
Some comments on Ecstasy and the Psychology of the Buddhas, 12/05
Subpersonalities and the Transpersonal, 33/06
T, 36/05
The 1993 Men's Gathering, 21/05
The Concept of a Breakthrough, 10/06
The Conference of the International Transpersonal Association, 22/04
The Eighth Congress of the European Association for Humanistic Psychology, 14/05
The Future of Humanistic Psychotherapy, 23/04
The Journal of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology, 17/04
The July Conference, 05/11
The Marxist Theory of Personality, 06/12
The New Image of the Person, 7/10
The Primal Issue, 05/06
The Problem of Accreditation, 28/06
The Sacred Place, 39/04
The Self-Awareness Movement—a Rebuttal, 14/04
The Senoi Dreams or Fantasies?, 17/03
The Social Psychology of Racial Prejudice and Discrimination, 7/05
The Social-Psychological Theory of Aggression, 04/02
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, 22/01
The Transpersonal, 21/01
The Wound, 14/02
The dialogical self and the transpersonal: new thinking in psychotherapy, 35/03
The identity of the AHPP, 27/05
The metaphore of consciousness, 10/03
Therapist Blocking, 15/02
Therapy for the Therapists, 22/05
This Months Experiment, 02/02
Three Levels of Empathy, 30/04
Three Poems, 10/02
Three Rebirths, 26/06
Transformation and Dialectic, 12/05
Vivian Milroy, 37/04
Wilber and me, 44/2
Your every moment Creativity, 02/04
Rowan, Peri:
Book Reviews, 20/02
Rowan, Sue:
Afterword, 42/03-04
Remembering John Rowan, 1925–2018, 46/02
Rowan, john:
Reviews, 27/01
Rowan-Madirolas, Peri:
Book Reviews, 8/06
Rowe, Dorothy:
Only Good People Get Depressed, 19/04
Roy, John Victor:
Torn fabric, 43/4
Ruddock, Avril:
Enlightenment, 01/09
Reflections on a Therapist, 01/08
Rudin, Martyn:
Dance Therapy, 11/04
Ruether, Rosemary Radford:
Towards a Feminist Theology, 16/04
Rumi, Jalaloddin:
Story-water, 24/06
Ruppert, Franz:
Constellations under the Sign of Multi-generational Systemic Psychotraumatology, 33/04
Rushforth, Winifred:
The Analytic Dream Group, 9/03
Russell, C.F.:
“Who's Afraid of Father Christmas?”, 15/06
The Dark, The Door, The Mirror, 15/06
Russell, Catherine Frances:
Analytical Autogenic Training, 14/03
Russell, Julian:
Graceful Business, 32/03
Is NLP Humanistic?, 19/04
Russo, Albert:
Poem, 14/06
The Colibri, 14/04
The Gap, 15/06
Venetian Threshold, 14/03
Rust, Mary-Jayne:
Ecopsychology: A matter of life and death, 26/06
Eros, Animal and Earth, 41/04
Giving up Being Consumed by Consumerism, 27/03
Rutherford, Leo:
A shamanic approach to psychotherapy, 37/01
Book Reviews, 19/05
Fool's Gold: A Circle that Goes Up its Own Nickers, 25/01
Play-World!, 12/03
Shamanism and Psychotherapy, 30/06
Ryan, Joanna:
Opening the Profession, 24/03
Ryan, Peter:
Poem by Peter Ryan, NL/03
Savage Strategy, 44/4
Snow Dragon, 42/03-04
Ryde, Judy:
Born Happy, 06/07
Centre Profile: The Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling, 25/05
Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Social Responsibility, 24/02
Introduction, 31/03
Personal and political integration, 27/04
Philosophy, 25/05
Working with refugees and asylum seekers at bcpc: politics and psychotherapy in action, 35/04
Rymer, Jim:
Labels are for Jars not people!, 39/02
Sørensen, Helena Løvendal:
Sex, Power and Spirit—jottings from a Humanistic notebook, 29/03
Saar, Sven:
Review of Bregman’ Humankind: A Hopeful History, 48/01
Saint, Bernard:
Jungian Dramatherapy, 11/04
Saiz, Pauline:
The Prawn, 01/03
Salisbury, Claire:
Changing Times—Changing Families, 29/01
Salvage, Jane:
Letters to myself, 33/01
Salzer, Jacques:
Psychologie Humaniste et Vie Quotidienne, 7/09
Salzmann, Jerome:
Odd Quotes from American Jumping Beans, 8/07
Samartha, Anand:
Letters to the Editor, 16/03
Samuels, Andrew:
A New Therapy for Politics, 22/06
A note on the repression of dialogue in Israel/Palestine, 44/4
Citizens as Therapists, 22/03
From Economic Sadism to Economic Sacrifice, 37/03
Guest Foreword, 42/03-04
John Forrester – reminiscences, 44/1
Letters, 23/04
Opening the Profession, 24/03
Politics in Therapy, 21/05
Remembering John Rowan, 1925–2018, 46/02
Responsibility, 26/02
Responsibility—Part II, 26/03
Reviews, 24/01
Shadow Politics, 24/01
The Erotic Leader, 27/02
The Political Person, 25/01
The speakers, 31/03
What is Analytical Psychology?, 24/03
Who Owns the Soul?, 39/04
Sanders, Colin James:
Alan Watts and the re-visioning of psychotherapy, 45/3-4
Sanders, Pete:
Why Person-Centred Therapists Must Reject the Medicalisation of Distress, 34/03
Sands, Anna:
Letters, 28/04
Shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, 28/03
Sarcans, M.:
The Changeling, 01/03
Sardello, Robert:
Know thyself, 44/2
Memory and digestion, 44/1
The joy of gender, 44/3
The language of feeling, 44/4
The sacred art of maturing, 45/2
Therapeutic awareness, 46/01
Where Rudolf Steiner was going, 45/1
Sargent, Thomas:
Client Directed Recovery, 06/08
Sargent, Thomas O:
Conditioned Meditation, 8/08
Sargent, Tom:
Celebrating differences-The Magic Mixer, 03/03
From Humanistic Psychology—A look at R.C. and A.A, 02/10
Hooray for Steve Murgatroyd, or Distress Distorts, 03/06
On Building an Intentional Community, 04/03
‘Good morning heartache.’, 11/04
Saunders, Jo:
Re-evaluation Counselling Today, 25/06
Saunders, Lee:
A Foot in a Sock in a Shoe (part one): Simon, Jennifer and Lee, 31/05
A Foot in a Sock in a Shoe (part two), 31/06
Saunders, Michael:
Letters, 22/06
Saunders, Mitch:
Humanistic Politics, 14/05
Savita, Ma Anand:
Esstacy and the Psychology of the Buddhas, 12/05
Some comments on Ecstasy and the Psychology of the Buddhas, 12/05
Saxton, Dick:
What Cocounselling means to me, 8/05
Scaife, Hilary:
Dreamwork with Children, 11/02
Scarlett, Mary:
A Comment on Sex-Roles in the Nursery Classroom, 8/07
Schaefer, Christopher:
Book Review: 'Social Ecology in Holistic Leadership' by Erik Lemcke, NL/07
Book Review: 'The Social World as Mystery Center: The Social Vision of Anthroposophy' by Harrie Salman, NL/07
Book Review: Dancing with the Zeitgeist – Eric Utne’s Far Out Man: Tales of Life in the Counterculture, NL/08
RESPONSES: On Re-imagining and De-polarising America: Replies to Elliot Benjamin, 49/01
Schapira, Sylvie K.:
Working with the Second Generation of Holocaust Survivors, 26/05
Schatzman, Morton:
Obituary, 40/02
The Uses of Lucid Dreams, 11/02
Schneider, Kirk:
RESPONSES: On Re-imagining and De-polarising America: Replies to Elliot Benjamin, 49/01
Review Mini-Symposium, 42/03-04
Schneider, Kirk J.:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
Humanistic Psychology's Chief Task: To Reset Psychology on its Rightful Existential-Humanistic Base, 41/02
Schofield, Patrick:
Book Reviews, 01/02
Schreiber, Flora Rheta:
Victims of a Victim, 13/01
Schreuder, Bas:
Posttraumatic Re-enactment in Dreams, 23/02
Schupbach, Max:
Saying Yes to Revenge, 23/01
Scotford, Roger:
Letters, 22/05
On Nikolas Rose's Governing the soul, 44/4
Scott, Bruce:
INTERVIEW: A ‘Critical Psy’ Perspective on Covid, Part I, 49/02
Scott, Chris:
Christ as Archetype, 31/04
Letters, 33/06
Letters to the Editor, 14/06
The Doctrines of Psychology, 33/05
The Self-Awareness Movement—a Critique, 14/04
Scott, Douglas:
Book Review, 01/01
Scott, Jim:
The Social Relevance of Humanistic Psychology, 05/09
Scott, Susie:
Waiting in the wings: critical self-reflection and the disruption of flow, 47/01
Scott, Tricia:
A Fork in the Road for the Psychological Therapies?, 38/02
A S, 37/02
A Suitable Case for Treatment, 26/03
Letters, 29/03
Re-calibrating our Moral Compass: Accountability in Psychotherapy and Counselling, 39/04
Scott-Ram, Nick:
What Death Means to Me, 21/S1
Scourse, Peter:
Ghost in the Machine, 04/11
Association for Humanistic Psychology in Britain – Chair's Page, 43/1
Celebrating John Rowan – London, 12 January 2015, 43/1
The AHP Chair's Page, 43/2
Scurfield, Lucy:
‘Strong Roots'—Therapeutic Garden Project, 41/01
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
AHP Chair's Page, 42/03-04
AHP Chair’s Page, 48/02
AHPB conference Oct 2017: An overview of the conference, 46/02
AHPb Chair's Page, NL/01
AHPb Chairs Page, NL/07
AHPb Chairs’ page, 48/01
AHPb Chair’s Page, 49/02
Book Review – Wendy Clayton’s Twinship and Consciousness: A Psychotherapeutic Journey through Separateness and Unity, NL/09
Chair’s Page, NL/09
How Humanistic Psychology Has Changed My Life, NL/03
Review of Fox’s Belonging in Time and Space, 48/01
Review of the AHP Humanistic Cafe Event with Caroline Brazier, NL/03
Review of the AHP Humanistic Cafe Event with Manu Bazzano, NL/03
The AHP Chair’s page, 45/3-4
The AHP chair's page, 44/3
The AHP chair’s page, 44/2
Se, Jean Claude:
“Towards Transpersonal Psychotherapy”, 06/12
Se, Jean-Claude:
Metatherapy, 8/08
Seaborn-Jones, Glyn:
Hypnoprimary Therapy, Transference, and the Pot of Gold, 17/01
Compassionate presence: Buddhist practice and the Person-Centred Approach, 44/1
Secretary, Eric Whitton General:
Letters, 23/06
Seddon, Vicky:
Letters to the Editor, 8/06
Letters to the editor, 04/10
See, Jean-Claude:
Ten days of Vipassana Meditation, 7/07
Seear, Michael:
My Journey—A Personal Account, 20/03
Seiser, Lynn:
Letters, 31/06
Selfe, Lorna:
The Study of Children's Drawing, 7/01
Sellers, Josephine:
Festival 2008 Update, 35/05
Selman, Robert:
The Experiential Approach, 01/02
Serning, Niklas:
Nietzschean modes of gender construction in a post-feminist age, 44/3
Sessa, Miriam:
Embracing a Pākehā cronehood: storying self, society, and the common good, 45/2
Sewell, Jacqueline:
Identity and belonging: The experience of the Windrush Generation and their children, 47/01
Into the Dark, 16/01
Shannon, Barbara:
Trauma therapy: What place for humanistic approaches?, 38/03
Shaw, Beth:
Fast Eddy's Funeral, 21/02
The Demon Trap, 25/01
Wild Will's Wedding, 22/01
Shaw, John:
Self-theory in social work, 02/09
Shaw, Patricia:
Personal Reflections, 19/03
Shaw, Susan:
Book Review: Experts and Expertise: A Commentary on ‘Experts, Establishments and Learning from Struggle by Brian Martin, 50/1-2
Shears, Pat:
Midsummer Morning, 8/08
Sheen, John:
Nearly Free, 06/07
Shenker, Barry:
Community and Individuality, 06/03
Studying a Therapeutic Community, 05/05
Therapy as Sport?, 10/01
Shepherd, Ron:
A personal look at the Gestalt ‘Prayer’, 02/03
Letters to the Editor, 7/06
Letters to the editor, 01/08
North Surrey Growth Centre Development of Counselling Activities, 03/05
Sheridan, Joanne:
Children Reflect, 25/05
Sherrard, Isabelle:
The decisions of ageing, 45/2
Shervington, Martin:
Integral Coaching, 32/03
Sherwood, Caroline:
Control, 01/06
Cop-Out, Panacea, or Working Solution?, 9/04
Shipley, Morgan:
‘A critique of culture’: Alan Watts, psychedelic Buddhism, and religious play in postwar America, 45/3-4
Kundalini and Ken Wilber, 11/06
Shohet, Robin:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
A conversation with Peter Hawkins, 32/06
A dialogue on longing, 36/03
Accreditation—a personal view, 20/01
After the death of my mother, 36/02
An Introduction to The Work of Byron Katie, 29/01
Dream Books, 11/02
Dreams in Self and Society, 11/02
Editorial, 9/03
Exploring the dynamics of complaints, 45/1
G, 33/01
Guest Editorial, NL/04
Guest Introduction, 23/01
Guest editorial, 32/07
Impro, 45/1
Introduction, 24/02
Introduction from the Guest Editor, 36/03
N, 32/07
Obstacles to Self Directed Learning, 12/04
Outside the box, 46/02
Paralleling in the Supervision Process, 13/02
Peer Group Accreditation of Psychotherapists, 19/02
Reagan and Psychohistory, 14/03
Resources, 9/03
Retro Review Classics, 42/01-02
Reviews, 33/05
THE LONG INTERVIEW: On Therapy, Play, Oppositionality, Fear, Defence, Projection – and, Perhaps, Transformation, 49/01
The Future of Humanistic Psychology, 40/01
The Peer Dream Group, 9/03
The Third Reich of Dreams, 11/02
The Work of Parker Palmer, 32/06
Using Appreciative Inquiry with Journalists, 33/06
Shotter, John:
Growth to Autonomy, 04/10
Shuttleworth, R. E.:
Psychodrama in the Rehabilitaion of Chronic Long Stay Patients, 01/04
Sibley, Dennis:
Can We Change Our Mind?, 9/04
Sibley, Dennis T.:
Alan Watts and the Therapeutic Process, 7/11
Sills, Maura:
Book Reviews, 19/05
Meditation and Core Process Psychotherapy, 17/02
Psychotherapy as a Spiritual Journey, 24/04
Silver-Leigh, Vivienne:
Breathwork Practice, 26/05
Integrating Psychotherapy and Breathwork: Awakening the transpersonal through the use of the Breath:, 35/01
Interview with Bozena Merrick, 31/05
Letters, 32/01
Reviews, 27/05
Silverstone, Liesl:
Art Therapy, 22/02
Book Reviews, 19/02
Silverton, Steve:
Heartbreak Hotel, 37/01
How To Think Like A Poet—And Make Better Decisions, 33/02
Silvester, Keith:
Reviews, 30/03
Who Put the Cissi in Narcissism?, 33/03
Simanowitz, Val:
Reviews, 24/05
Simanwitz, Val:
Reviews, 29/02
Simpson, Natalie:
Letters, 28/03
Sinason, Valerie:
Revenge and Learning Disability, 23/01
Sinclair, Hilary:
Book Reviews, 04/01
Mind out of Time: Enlightenment Intensive:, 05/02
Sinclair, Jill:
Letter to the Editor, 20/01
Singh, Bhavesh:
Race and Identity, 19/02
Sira, Aviva ben:
Dani, 15/02
Sivad, Martin:
Meditation, 01/09
Mother, 03/06
Poem, 03/11
Sivyer, John:
C.P.D—A Fool's Gold?, 31/02
Complaints: The Search for Restorative Justice, 28/01
Letters, 31/03
Out of the Closet?, 27/04
Reviews, 26/04
The Shame of the Therapist—Or Not, 22/06
Skipper, Jonathan:
Malestrom, 27/04
Slack, Ingrid:
A Definition of ‘Transpersonal’, 24/04
Recent Transpersonal Texts, 24/04
Slade, Laurie:
Social Dreaming for a Queer Culture, 33/03
Slattery, David:
Process-led experiential learning, 35/06
Turning relationship ghosts into ancestors working with relational trauma states, 35/04
Sleeman, Sylvia:
Psychodramatic Methods, Social Groupwork and the Probation Service, 8/09
Smallacombe, Ruth:
Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Is mediation the answer?, 27/02
Smaller, Nigel:
Becoming a pilgrim: the lived experience of men becoming therapists following a former career, 44/3
Smillie, Victoria:
Orphan: A Reflection on the Death of Parents, 23/06
Smith, Anton:
Alcoholics Anonymous and Addiction—A Potted History, Some Personal Observations, The Twelve Steps and Some Myths, 34/05
Smith, Cecilia:
The Disruptive Child, 02/03
Smith, David:
Book Reviews, 15/06
Smith, David L.:
On the Psychoanalytic Listening Process, 12/04
The Client as Supervisor, 13/02
Smith, Emmy van Deurzen:
An Interview with Emmy, 23/04
Smith, Ian:
Not Soft and Not an Option, 25/05
Smith, Jennifer:
Letters, 27/02
Smith, K.P.C.:
Empathy and Mastery, 11/01
Smith, Maggie:
“I thought There would be Lectures”…… …., 9/02
Smith, Mary:
Athena and the Great Goddess, 19/05
Letters, 22/02
Messy Memories: Extracts from a Journal, 22/03
Two Methods of Dealing with Aches and Pains, 25/02
Smith, Paddie:
Fifth European Congress of Body Psychotherapy, 23/05
Smith, Paddy:
Letters to the Editor, 06/10
Smith, Peter:
Covid-19 and the Awakening of Humanity: A Super-conscious View, 49/02
What is the Effect of Being in an Encounter Group?, 01/01
Smith, Peter B.:
Wyrd and not so Wyrd: Humanistic Psychology at Sussex, 14/06
Smith, Simon:
Contemporary funeral rituals, 36/02
Smith, Steven B.:
The ontological nature of change: critical connections between the humanistic psychotherapies and Jungian analysis, past, present and future, 43/3
Smith, William Hallidie:
Book Reviews, 13/01
Letter, 05/04
Light Hearted, 8/01
Society, Stephen Joseph Co-editor Self &:
Editorial, 39/03
Solomon, Paul:
Life review work, 45/2
Someren, Laurence van:
An Introduction to Biofeedback Training, 01/07
Somers, Barbara:
The Centre for Transpersonal Psychology, 26/05
Sonstegard, Manford A:
How I came to know about Adlerian psychology and how I discovered how useful it was in society, 32/02
Sorensen, Helena Lovendal:
Professional, personal and private—the challenge of working creatively with couples, 27/04
Sorenson, Bernice:
Not Special but Different - The Only Child experience, 34/01
Soth, Michael:
Letters, 32/01
Psychotherapy: paradoxes, pitfalls & potential, 30/06
Relating to and with the Objectified Body, 27/01
The Gulf in Me…, 20/01
Sotillos, Samuel Bendeck:
Reviews, 36/04
Southgate, John:
‘The Dialectics of the Growth Movement’, 01/10
Book Reviews, 14/04
Community Counselling Circles, 14/02
How to run a Zenalys Group, 11/01
Inner and Outer Group Dynamics: ‘an essay inspired by the work of Ken Wilber’, 11/06
Southon, Jane:
…If you Ask Them, Very Many People Turn out to have had what you Might Call Mystical Experiences, 01/09
Spandle, Helen:
Alec Jenner, 1927–2014 - appreciations, 42/03-04
Specht, Silvia:
The Centre for Biosynthesis and its Activities, 24/01
Spencer, Annie:
Ecotherapy: Exploring Ancient Techniques for a New Branch of Therapy, 40/04
Guest Editorial Introduction, 41/01
Retro Review Classics, 41/01
Using the Medicine Wheel Tradition on an IDHP Diploma Course, 19/04
Speyer, Josefine:
The body is not all we are…, 36/02
Spinelli, Ernesto:
Depressive Realism, 44/3
On Placebos, Dodos and Magic Feathers: Meaning and Context in Psychotherapy, 40/04
Reviews, 30/01
Roll on John, 42/03-04
Spring, Lizzie:
The Boarding School Experience, 19/03
Springer, Bernard:
John Heron and the Paradigm Shift, 25/06
Springwood, Bee:
AHPP Mediation Philosophy, 28/01
Reviews, 30/04
Spurling, Laurence:
Book Reviews, 19/01
Spurling, Laurie:
On Thinking Psychodramatically, 8/09
Stagg, Russell:
When the desert starts to bloom: moving beyond depressive reality, 44/2
Standards, Nick Totton Head of Policy and:
Letters, 36/04
Stansfeld, Wyon:
Letters, 27/03
Stapleton, Wilson:
Hop, Skip, Jump, 05/12
Intellectual, 13/06
Litterbits, 04/07
Poem, 04/08
The celebrant, 13/01
Two poems, 10/04
Starry, Jean:
Against Hierarchy, 7/12
Book Reviews, 7/11
Stathers, John:
Françoise's First Step to a Therapeutic Encounter, 19/05
Stattman, Jacob:
Book Reviews, 01/02
Staude, John Raphael:
Consciousness in self and society, 03/03
Staunton, Tree:
A Tribute to James Hillman, 40/02
Explorations in body consciousness, 35/06
Letters, 30/05
Reflections on our Process, 39/04
Touch in a time of Regulation, 37/02
Working with refugees and asylum seekers at bcpc: politics and psychotherapy in action, 35/04
Staunton-Soth, Tree:
Recognising the Sacred, 21/05
Stear, John:
Letters to the Editor, 13/06
Self-Help, 13/06
The Secret Worlds of Adults and Children, 14/03
Steele, Robin:
Psychophonetics, Rudolf Steiner and the psychological therapies: part I, 45/1
Steen, Scott:
KEY VERBATIM EXCERPTS FROM: Mental Health's Market Experiment: Commissioning Psychological Therapies through Any Qualified Provider, 42/01-02
Sterling, Ramona:
Letters, 25/01
Stevens, Carol:
‘T, 37/01
Stevens, D.:
Reviews, 21/01
Stevens, D.E.:
Meher Baba and Psychology, 04/12
Stevens, David:
Meditation in Six Steps, 17/02
Stevens, Erin:
Erin’s Political Column, NL/06
Erin’s Political Diary, September 2020, 48/02
Stevens, Richard:
Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Join the BPS, 25/04
Reviews, 24/04
Stevenson, Valerie:
Too Busy to Save the World?, 16/04
Stewart, Jay:
Trans knowledge, 44/3
Stewart, John:
Book Reviews, 8/06
Stewart, Mo:
21st-Century Welfare: Understanding the Present, NL/02
The Human Crisis Created by the Politics of Greed, NL/05
Welfare State under Siege… – Letter to the Chief Medical Officer, NL/03
Stige, Signe Hjelen:
Trauma clients’ continuing work on relationships with their self and others after trauma-specific group therapy, 46/02
Stock, Jonathan:
Awareness as a Therapeutic Tool, 19/02
Stock, Jonathon:
Book Reviews, 19/01
Stokke, Christian:
Spiritual Awakening Experiences: A Phenomenological Study in Transpersonal Psychology, 49/02
Stones, Barbara:
A Brief History of Bert Hellinger's Family Constellations, 33/04
Straker, G.:
Communion with vs Communication About: Breaking the Code, 9/06
Straker, Gill:
Psychotherapeutic Metamechanisms, 10/05
Strand, Pathik:
Be the Change that You Want to See in the World, NL/10
Strange, Stephen:
The Holistic Approach of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, 12/01
Strong, Tom:
Book Reviews, 40/01
Stroud, David:
‘Is Mental Illness a Figment of the Imagination?’, 16/03
Stuart, Lilly:
Are we Disabling?, 05/02
Book Reviews, 04/09
Client-Centred Counselling, 06/09
How does T. A. deal with feelings, 05/10
Letters to the Editor, 05/12
Stubbington, Richard:
Laing and the Experiential View of Madness, 01/03
MIND Conference at High Leigh, 04/12
Style, Jeremy:
For Whom the Bell Tolls, 16/01
Perspectives, 13/03
Subhan, Nazreen:
Dream, 21/04
Suderstrum, Anne-Charlotte:
Book Reviews, 12/03
Psychic Massage, 16/03
Summerville, Jackie:
The Shamanic Model of Illness and Healing applied to HIV and AIDS, 23/05
Sundborn, Maggy:
“Comparison of Gestalt and Reichian Schools of Psychotherapy”, 10/05
Esalen, 8/08
Sunfire, Sandra:
Better the Devil You Know?, 25/04
Sutcliffe, Richard:
Lunar Life Lives, 10/05
Sutcliffe, Richard J.:
This Fear of God, 13/03
Sutherland, Jenny:
Reviews, 34/05
Svoboda, Danica:
Letters to the editor, 02/02
Swainson, Mary:
Psychotherapy, 12/01
Swann, Paul:
Book Reviews, 20/03
Swartley, William:
Crippling our Children, 05/06
Primal Integration, 15/04
The Birth of Birth Primals in Wartime Britain, 06/07
Sylvester, Richard:
Letters, 21/06
The River: A Moral Tale, 22/05
The Training and Accreditation of Psychotherapists and Counsellors, 20/03
Symington, Theresa:
Theory is Detrimental to Practice: Discuss, 06/09
Symons, Christine:
Letters, 32/01
Report:, 33/01
Synesiou, Natasha:
Boundary and Ambiguity: Merleau-Ponty and the Space of Psychotherapy, 41/03
Sypher, Frederick F.:
The Meaning of Wellness, 03/11
Tacey, David:
An Appreciation of James Hillman, 1926–2011, 40/02
Tai, Nushka:
Healing by Breathing, 12/01
Painting eyeballs on chaos: on Zen and birth trauma, 43/1
Talbut, John:
Co-counselling International Today, 25/06
Letters, 23/03
Tantam, Digby:
Letters, 24/02
Tattersall, Tom:
A Learning Group: A view from the inside, 39/01
Tautolo, El-Shadan:
Healthy Pacific grandparents: a participatory action research project exploring ageing well among Pacific people in New Zealand, 45/2
Ethical Dialogue, 43/2
Taylor, April Ryedale:
Letters, 27/03
Taylor, Bryce:
Letters, 23/06
Taylor, Elaine:
Awakening, 39/01
I'm Not a Poet, 39/01
Night Light, 39/01
Taylor, Jeremy:
Dream Work and Social Responsibility, 11/02
Taylor, Lucy:
A View from the NHS, 22/05
Taylor, Stuart:
Re: Wild, 43/3
Taylor-sanders, Maggie:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
Templeton, Phyll:
Depression—Believing the Lie, 17/04
Tester, Susan:
Politics and Ageing, 16/01
Thelpme, Don:
Letters, 28/04
Thew, Neil:
Reviews, 39/02
Thew, Neill:
Editorial, 36/04
Learning to teach—teaching to learn, 39/01
Meet the New Editor of Self & Society, 36/02
Reviews, 39/01
Thimbleby, Harold:
Dreams, 7/06
Thomas, Alyss:
A Humanistic Therapist Joins the Analysts: Foulkes and the IGA, 25/02
A Transpersonal Model of Supervision, 22/04
AHP Conference Reports, 21/06
Book Reviews, 19/03
Development through Diversity, 23/06
Letters, 22/02
Mary Daly and Feminist Trivia, 19/06
Thomas, Charlotte Hannah:
How well does bereavement counselling in the UK provide for the particular needs of trans people and for their friends and families?, 44/3
Thomas, Lennox:
The speakers, 31/03
Thomas, Lennox K:
Supervision of Therapeutic Work With Refugees and Asylum Seekers, 32/05
Thomas, Philip:
Happiness, Austerity and Malignant Individualism, NL/02
Psycho politics, neoliberal governmentality and austerity, 44/4
Thomas, Shanice:
REVIEW ARTICLE: The Methods of Qualitative Phenomenological Research, NL/06
Thomas, T.G.:
Brickwalls and Bellies, 8/09
Thomas, Val:
Using Imagery with Substance Misusers, 34/05
Thompson, Linda:
Diary of a Trainee Psychotherapist, 14/01
Thompson, Tim:
Letters to the editor, 05/09
Thornborough, Peggy:
Encounters, 01/03
Losing the Self to find it, 03/08
The Age of Aquarius—Its not all Chaos, 05/08
Thorne, Brain:
A Closed Bookshop in Paphos, 42/01-02
Frail words, 41/03
Thorne, Brian:
A 50th Year Symposium for Self & Society, 50/1-2
A Good Friday Encounter, 15/01
A Sonnet, NL/01
A Student Counsellor's Diary, 06/09
Celebrating Pete Sanders, 50/1-2
Epiphany, 45/1
Friendly death, 42/01-02
Group Training for Christian Students, 01/09
Letter to the Editor, 10/03
Little girl, 41/03
Liverpool Street, 41/03
New Poetry Anthology, 41/03
POEM:‘Fifty Years in the Life of a Journal’, 50/1-2
Poem: '31st January 2020', NL/04
Poem: 'Fight the Good Fight', NL/04
Poem: 'No Shameful Silence', NL/04
Poem: 'Too Late to See Our True Nature?', 49/01
Poetry by Brian Thorne, NL/06
Poetry – by Brian Thorne, NL/05
Post Referendum, 45/1
Psychotherapy and Original Sin, 16/05
Remembering Jean Clark, 1926–2018, NL/01
Remembering Peter Schmid, NL/06
Reviews, 34/02
Spiritual accompaniment and the legacy of Carl Rogers, 35/03
The Accountable Therapist, 23/04
Two Poems, 40/04
Ultimate Challenges, 41/02
Thornton, Meleri:
Transformative education: Bridging the gap between college and career, 39/01
Making a Difference, 15/03
To the men and women I love, 14/04
Tilley, Ian:
Practical Aspects of Rank's Early Work, 11/01
The Re-Emergence of Early Rank, 10/02
Tilsley, Daniel:
RETRO REVIEW ARTICLE: Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) and the Horrific Face of a Pandemic, NL/05
Retro-review Essay: We Do Not Control the Narrative: A Retro-Review of John Carpenter’s film In the Mouth of Madness (1994), NL/04